Chapter Forty- Eight

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I knock on Michael's open door and walk inside without waiting for an answer. "How long have we known each other?" I ask.

"Few weeks." He replies, not looking up at me from his phone.

"My longest relationship lasted about that long. It was about three weeks I think." I sit on the bed beside him. "After being friends for years, we finally got together. I thought it would last forever. It was an amazing relationship."

"Telling me this isn't going to make me feel any better. In fact, it's making me feel worse. I don't want to hear about your ex-boyfriends, Daniella." He scoffs.

"Sh. Just listen." I place my hand on his knee. "Three weeks in, I told him that I loved him. The very next day, he proposed in the middle of a crowded amusement park." 

"After three weeks?!" Michael asks, shocked.

I nod. "It was a huge jump for me. I didn't know what to do so I just broke up with him right there. It was too much for me to handle." I look away from Michael. "When you told me you loved me last night, I was right back at that amusement park with thousands of eyes staring at me , expecting me to do the right thing."

Michael looks up at me and places his hand on top of mine on his lap.

"I don't want to have to say no to someone proposing to me again. It ruined my life. His friends and family sent me death threats. People I didn't even know, were writing me, telling me how stupid I was for doing that to him. I was a model, everyone knew who I was and where to contact me. I feared for my life. Before long, I decided to move out of the town just so I could sleep peacefully at night." I pause, not wanting to cry.

This is really hard for me to explain to him. I didn't want to remember this.

"And I just thought about that happening with you. If I say I love you, even if it's the right thing to do, I will have millions of people messaging me again. You have such a large fanbase. And if I don't marry you- I guess it really comes down to be being scared. I got scared Michael." I admit.

Michael smiles. "I'm not asking you to marry me, Dani. I just wanted to share that with you. It wasn't the right time to drop that bomb. I get it. I took the hint."

"There wasn't any hint to take, Michael. I just don't want to commit myself to you like that and get hurt. I don't want either of us to get hurt in the end. Commitments that fail- they ruin people. Just like my last relationship ruined me." I take a deep breath, determined not to cry about this. Michael is the one who is hurt. Not me. This is about making him feel better.

"Commit yourself to me or don't- either way, I am all about you, Dani. And I am never, ever going to hurt you." Michael grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. "I really like you." He smirks.

"I know. And I really like you too." I squeeze his hand back and kiss his cheek softly.

AN: Do you like Emma and Louis together? Why or why not?

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