Chapter Sixty- Three

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What is all this baby madness? I haven't seen her in years. We dated a while back in high school. There is no way physically possible that baby is mine. She was just trying to mess with me and Daniella. She had to have known we were together and wanted to intervene somehow.

Well, it sure worked. Daniella is pissed.

"Daniella, please! I love you!" I shout after her as we run down the long driveway-like path away from the fancy club.

We should have skipped the after party and just gone home. Then none of this would have ever happened. We would be at home right now chilling on the couch, in the dark, eating ice cream, and laughing at their drunk asses as we watch the recorded award show on the television.

"I am tired of hearing that bullshit lie, Michael!" She shouts. "This kind of thing happens too often with you! I was not cut out for the gossip, lies, and rumors of Hollywood. I was much better in front of a camera smiling and doing nothing. I can't take this crazy life any longer. I have tried my best to change my entire lifestyle but I cant cope with this. It's over- this is over. I quit."

"Daniella!" I shout, determined to explain the situation to her, though I don't completely  understand it myself. This will prove to be an almost impossible task to fix this because I am missing a lot of information from the situation.

Why will she not stop running and just talk to me? I am sure I can convince her to stay with me right now for at last another ten minutes if she will just listen to me. She has to just hear me out. I know what I have to say will make her rethink leaving the party.

She grabs her suitcase from the trunk of our limo and throws it in to the trunk of a car. "I'm going home, Michael." Daniella explains to me.

I nod. "Okay, I'll see you there. And I promise, I will explain what is going on."

"No, Michael. Im going home. To America. I'm going back to my old life, my old job. I hate it here!" Daniella knocks on the window of the car, sent to take lone celebrities who do not want to stay with their groups, home. A man walks out and opens the door for her.

Is she serious? She is going home? Like, back to America? Why? I can't believe this. Is she really serious about this? Is this life really so bad that she is going to run back to her terrible job? I have to fix this.

I stop a few feet from the line of cars and limos and take a deep breath. My body was not made for running.

Daniella slides inside and he closes the door behind her. He walks around to the driver's side and starts the engine. I run up to the car and place my hand on the cold window, pulling on the handle to try to open the door.

The car slowly pulls away from the curb, taking Daniella away with it.

I stand at the curb and watch it roll down the road. I can't believe she is actually doing this. I have to stop her.

Turning around, I start running back inside. I have to get the boys so we can leave and catch Daniella before she leaves forever.

She is going to stop at the house first, right? She still has things there. Would she really leave them because of this fight?

I can't believe this is happening.

I have to stop her.

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