Woodstick Festival

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I'M GOING ON A STORY STREAK PEOPLE! 3 IT IS NOW BUT 2 IN ONE DAY!!! XD OKAY!! STORY TIME!! The bracelet will make sense later just roll with it.


Wendy looks at me with a worried look on her face and doesn't say a word.


"Uh, It's nothing." Wendy looks at her watch "Hey I have to go how about later you ask Mabel and Dipper to take you to the Woodstick festival that is happening early this year? You could meet all my friends" She invites as she sits up and looks at me and I do the same.

"Sure why not? I don't see any harm to going to a party like thing. Could actually put some of my laziness to the side." I laugh and Wendy does too.

"Seems like a deal." She jumps off the roof and lands on the ground "I'll see you later (Y/n)!" She waves and runs off.

"Same to you Wendy!" I shout out to her as she runs off and I jump down as well and I enter the house.


Mabel gasps as if she's got an evil plan and I look over at her "If you're thinking of putting make-up on my face you've got another thing coming" I lightly threaten.

"No silly! It's about your prom at the end of the year!" Mabel says as if she's invited to the prom.

"Well yeah what about it?" I ask picking up Waddles.

"Well you need a date don't you?"

"I never said I was going"

"WHAT?!" Mabel gets right up into my face.

"Well yeah, I'm not going. I don't have many friends at our school and none of the guys like me. In my point of view they would see me as a girl who is a loner and plays on her phone all day while listening to music."

"Well they don't know what they are missing out on!"

"Don't flatter me."

"It's true! It's like the saying goes, 'Quiet people have the loudest minds!"  Mabel says as she spreads out her arms and falls backwards.

I sigh heavily "Mabel i'm too lazy to think as well so I don't get how that works"


"I DON'T WANT A BOYFRIEND!" I throw a shoe at Mabel and she giggles and runs off.

"WHATEVER YOU SAY (Y/N)!" She yells from down the hallway and I sigh heavily letting Waddles go so he can follow after Mabel.


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!(Y/N)!(Y/N)!(Y/N)!" Mabel comes back as if she was just on a sugar rush... probably was anyway.

"MABEL! MABEL!MABEL!MABEL!MABEL!" I chant back at Mabel

"DIPPER! DIPPER!DIPPER!DIPPER!DIPPER!" Wendy chants as she appears out of nowhere

"WENDY!WENDY!WENDY!WENDY!WENDY!" Dipper chants as he appears out of nowhere

"SOOS!SOOS!SOOS!SOOS!SOOS!" Soos chants his name as he appears out of nowhere next to everyone.

"Why are you all chanting names?" Wendy's friend with the short black emo-ish hair.

"I don't know Mabel just came running up to me as if she was high on sugar."

"What you're all thinking doesn't matter! (Y/n) I have something for you!" Mabel grabs my wrist and puts something on it. "There! Now in a hundred days your dream boyfriend will come to you!"

I only process one word out of everything Mabel said and that word was 'Boyfriend'. My eye twitches and I death glare Mabel.


"Hey you need one for the prom!"

"The prom at our school is like by far the MOST lamest party of all time!" I continue to yell at Mabel.

Wendy puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey at least you get to meet your dream time boyfriend in a hundred days" She tries to comfort me.

"Yeah then after that 100 days I have to suffer being in a relationship with this guy that is apparently my one and only dream boyfriend."

"Yeah I see your point there."

I sigh heavily and look at Mabel "Thank you anyway Mabel, I know you're trying to make me happy but I don't want a boyfriend at the moment. Maybe i'll keep the bracelet and i'll use it when i'm older."

"Yeah okay" Mabel sounds really sad and I feel sorry for her but hey having a boyfriend means no traveling to where ever I want.

I try and take the bracelet off but some sort of spell, well it feels like it, is stopping me from taking it off. "Um...we have some sort of problem guys..."

"What type of problem?" Dipper asks getting closer to me and I try ripping the bracelet off me and it still doesn't work.

"The bracelet isn't coming off!"

"Oh yeah I forgot to say was that you can't take off the bracelet until the 100 days are over. The Love God didn't tell my why but I believe is that the bracelet takes 100 days to scan like you and your personality so when it's the 101st day your dream boyfriend will show!" Mabel says with excitement.

"Dammit Mabel! One job! You had one job!"  

"I know!" She chuckles and runs off into the music festival so I can't find her.


I walk into my room tired as hell and I land on the bed with my stomach facing the roof. "Man i'm pooped" I sigh heavily and I lift up my wrist and I look at the bracelet that Mabel gave me for the first time. I look closely and it has two four leaf clovers on each side of the circle which is the main part of the bracelet. Inside the circle is yellow with 10 symbols going around the triangle in the middle of the symbols. The triangle has a top hat with a bow tie along with arms and legs and...one eye...I look behind the bracelet and I see the one eye crossed out then back at the bracelet. 

"Maybe they have to do with the same thing?" I ask out loud 'I might have to ask Dipper later'.

"Or maybe Pine Tree can wait for your questioning and I can answer that for you!" An over enthusiastic voice speaks and I nearly jump off the bed. 

"Woah Kid! No need to freak out or anything!" I sit up on the bed and I look to my side and I see the same triangle with a top hat, bow and eye.

"Well shit I must be insane..." I say and all I hear is the triangle thing laugh.

"Kid you're hilarious! The name is Bill Cipher! Nice to meet you!" he puts out his hand for me to shake.

"And mine is (Y/n) (L/n)..." I take Bill's hand and I shake it. 


Second Chance - Bill Cipher x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu