[1]When I Said, "I'd Hit That," I Meant With My Car.

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"Okay! Okay," I admitted, "I'm a little nervous."

"Hah! I knew it." Violet smiled smugly from the backseat. She always insisted on riding back there when Devon rode home with us. She always puts others before herself.

"Did they give you any hints as to what they were planning to speak with you about tonight?" Devon asked.

I shook my head. "Nah, all my mother said was, 'Scarlet, sweetie, we have something big to tell you about tonight.'"

"Hmm," Violet seemed to ponder on this for a moment. "Maybe she's pregnant or something."

"Maybe," I agreed, although I knew it was unlikely. Pregnancy was never something important to my mom. It was just something to mention in casual conversation.

I continued to drive in silence. It was pointless for me to try and guess what was going on inside my mother's brain. She was unpredictable and somewhat crazy. Every time I, or anyone else for that matter, have tried to guess what she was thinking, we have always been completely in the wrong direction. Besides, she and my father have a knack for doing things in a way that no other parents have thought of. When my younger sister and I were in a fight once, she handed both of us metal baseball bats and told us to go at it like a couple of crazed giant gremlins. Of course, right after she left the room, my father marched in and traded them in for foam bats.

"Don't I get a good-bye kiss?" Devon pouted after I pulled into his driveway. Violet snorted.

I rolled my eyes. "Not today."

"Please?" He breathed, leaning toward me. His chocolate eyes pleaded with mine.

I blinked. My mind went blank. "Err, what?"

He chuckled before pressing his mouth against mine. I tried to break off the kiss, really, I did, but my body wouldn't comply. Whenever his skin made contact with mine, electricity formed. To my disappointment, the kiss lasted for what felt like only mere seconds. He knew that I didn't like doing this in front of Violet. Violet and I had agreed when we were both in middle school that we would never make out with a guy in front of each other.

A smug smile crept onto his face. "I'll call you later, love."

I nodded numbly. My mouth couldn't form coherent words at the moment.

I started to drive away as Violet made her way into the front seat. We drove in silence on the way to her house. It was strange since Violet is the most talkative person I know.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Was it the kiss? 'Cause I didn't think it was that long of a kiss, but I understand if you-"

"No, it wasn't the kiss."


We drove through an intersection in dreadfully long silence.

"I have something to tell you." Violet blurted out, her eyes leaving her lap for only a glance.

"Oh-kay," I encouraged.

"Please don't be mad." She bit her lip nervously.

"I won't. I promise." I reassured her.

"Well, you know how I've been kind of busy lately?" She started, "Well it's because I-I have a, um, boyfriend." She admitted sheepishly.

"Really? That's great!" I grinned at her. "So who's the lucky guy?"

Her face fell. "Oh, well, you know, just some guy." She attempted to keep her voice nonchalant.

"What's his name?" I prodded, keeping my voice light.

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