She dragged me around and i was starting to get dizzy. "Were we goin' manhandss?" I asked and then i saw the large tent. Oh the war tent? Why were we going back there? Before i could ask we walked inside. Only now there was just the general.

"I caught her gambling and drinking with your men, she can barely walk right" she growled at the general but he waved her off. She seemed to get even more mad at him then me. That was good i think. She then did a small bow before leaving.

"Have fun?"  The general asked as he sat down at one of the wooden chairs by the table. I walked over to the table and almost fell, i managed to grab onto the table before i did so. I sighed and looked at the map. "This... it's all wrong. Were fighting rampids! Not unarmed peasants!" I whinned looking at the formations they had. "Pike men first for better reach than when they can't hold any longer send in the heavies" i groaned and then knocked a few pawns off the table, back handing them in my frustration. "What of the light infantry?" He asked his tactical way. I looked at the map again. "Sssend them to the flanks, flank them, there main goal isss to go forward, the bulk of the hoard won't care about it's flanksss. Now please tell me you have arrowwwss" i asked and he nodded. "The archers can shoot till dawn but will the front line hold that long?" He asked and i shook my head putting my hands on my face. My skin was so bloody smooth. I love my skin. Why did the bad man have to cut up my back? It was so soft.

"We are most definitely going to die here.... But i will be here... drinking my moonshine... the hoard does not see me" i mumbled now laying down across the table as i curled up to fall asleep. "What do you mean they can not see you?" He asked. His booming strong voice kept me from sleep. I groaned grabbing the edges of the map as blanket and rolling to cover myself with the map. I mumbled my answer in my native language before falling asleep. 

I woke to cold water being poured over my head. I barely reacted, only groaned. "My hair is wet" i growled as i then sat up. Why in oblivion was i on the war table? Why was the map over me? How come Manhands dropped a bucket of water onto me? I glared at Lady Manhands.

"What?" I growled and she glared at me. I was getting used to that look. I wonder if it was permanently on her face. I don't think i've seen her smile. "The hoard is here" she said and handed me a sword and shield. Wow, there actually arming me? I slid off the table taking the sword and shield. "The armorer is waiting for you down by where you were drinking" she said. I was drinking? Thank the gods i don't get hangovers... wait...i don't get drunk for a long time, how long was i out?

My question was answered as i walked out of the tent into the dead of night. All the soldiers were gone so i'm guessing there in their positions now. Lady Manhands made her way somewhere as i tried to remember where i was drinking at.

I stumbled around for some time before i found the man by a anvil and crates filled with armor. "I'm to be equipped my good man" i said as i approached him. He jumped at my voice. The man had dark skin and a full black beard with curly black hair. His eyes full of fear as he looked at me. Gods they really all knew what i looked like? "Yes, ser right away" he said going to find some armor of my size. I put the shield and sword down for a minute and picked up one of the breastplates in one of the many open crates.

"This is pure steel isn't it? This is the best form i have ever seen of it" i commented as he found some armor and put it down on his workbench. "Yes ser, i crafted it all back in Herlun" he answered and then slowly started to put the armor on me like he was my squire. It made me want to laugh at the man's fumbling fingers with all the straps. "My mother hired a pure iron worker, he couldn't compare to this. And my mother only hired the best. I might just recommend you to her, she pays quite well. What's your name smith?" I asked him.

"Jaron ser, i appreciate your praise" he said stumbling over the words as he finished up with the last strapp on my shoulder. I then put the sword to my belt and put the steel boots on myself. "Thank you Jaron, may we meet again" i said nodding to him as i picked up the round shield. He gave me a smile but fear was all i could really see. I turned on my heel now geared up in steel armor and walking toward the battle field. Or what would soon be the battlefield.

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