The Emerald Rose~7

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The scenery was damp , coated in a monotone grey and blood red, two colors that brought despair altogether.

In the middle, on a stone pedestal surrounded by flaming lava sat a giant throne, black obsidian shining in the eerie flaming light. On the armpits many runes were carved and near the foot of the throne was a heavy metal hook with a chain attached.

On the throne sat a figure, hands and legs bound by the same heavy chains, heavy with powerful magic that burnt his ankles and wrists. The king lay lazily on the throne indifferent to the screams that echoed through that hellpit.

In his lap, a crying body shook with violent tremors, cocooned in the warmth of his own wings. The king threaded his hands through his brother's hair, trying time and again to clean the blood stained locks, but with no avail. They were struck in time, forever in the darkness.

The king hissed and looked around. Near his throne sat three more, one on the right and two on the left, their wings bent at odd angles. He was one of the few who were spared, he and his smallest brother, they were left with intact wings, but they were coated a steely black.

The king sighed and carresed his brother's porcelain face, eternally grateful for Michael's sacrifice. Raphael, Gabriel and Azazeal had followed closely behind, not leaving their brother. Many others had followed, Castiel leading the runaways, but neither was spared of God's wrath.

The king remembered that night... when Michael stood up for him, protected him, and fell together  with him from grace. Poor angel didn't resist much, so he had taken upon himself to care for his injured and heartbroken brother. He didn't understand why all thus had happened...they were created to obey His wishes. If He had wanted betrayal He would get it without a second thought. So why banish the ones who have only obeyed your wishes?

Confused, hurt, crying and in chains, angels after angels were doomed to a life underneath, never to bask in the healing light of the heavenly clouds ever again. All hope had been lost until a few decades ago, when the prophecy was written.

The prophecy talked about The Four, the only four angels who had disobeyed His orders beacuse it hurt them to turn against Him. And they were punished the most harsh...sent to live as mortals with no memories of their past, just with their Grace to help them.

But it hurt them even more. They were branded as outcasts and set to make their own community, away from the hate and prejudice of God's children.

The king mused hiw they continued their lines, somehow, the Fates guiding them to meet agai and again until the prophecy would be fullfilled. But he had no intention of following though. He was the leader and everything be damned if he would ever bow to anyone.

Suddenly , a white flash blinded the angels encased in darkness and words sounded through the shadows:

"Art thou worthy of thy contract?"

"I am."

"Then choose thy summon and choose wisely, for he will bow before thou."

"Let the king be free of his metal shackles and bind him with gold chains to me. Let the king be rid of his ripped linen clothes and let me bring him silken sheets. Let the king heal his brothers so they can and will bow to me!"

"Do you accept thy master, oh king of the Underworld?"

The king stared in disbelief at the invisble voice then a grin broke on his face. Nobody could rule over him. He would break the contract and be free to liberate his brothers.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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