The Emerald Rose~3

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Two months later

Harry stood unfazed in his crib. In front of him, a tall, dark haired and red eyed man was smiling down at him.

Harry smiled as well, a feeling of familiarity enveloping him. A feeling he never got around his parents.

"Hello." Harry said politely.

The man looked at the somehow unchanged fourteen months old. The boy had indeed a briliant mind and seemed to know who to trust and who to not.

"Why hello Harry. Or can i call you by your real name?" The man inquired.

Harry looked up at him. He knew who the man was. The man wasn't all that bad. Now he was emiting a calm soothing aura, and the baby loved it.

"Why are you here Mr. Riddle?" The yound lad asked the adult.

Tom looked taken aback. For some unknown reason, the baby knew who he was (even if just his name) and didn't seem unnerved by it in the slightest. Tom had no clue what lies the Potters have been feeding him.

"Well Harry, i'm here to take you home with me." He smiled and brought out his wand with the intention of apparating with the baby.

Wrong move.

All of a sudden, the door balasted open and a very scared read headed woman and an angry male burst inside.

"Get away from him you monster!" James hissed through his gritted theeth.

Tom looked at him. A feeling of disgust struck him as he watched the traitorous man.

"So Sirius was right. It really was you." Voldemort spat and rised his wand. Without a moment of hesitation he whispered out a curse.

"Avada Kedavra."

The words echoed through the room as a blinding green light slithered through the room and hit James straight in the chest.

Harry watched wide eyed as his father fell on the ground, dead. Harry couldn't quite place it, but an amazing feeling had pulsed through him when the spell had been cast, and seeing his father lifeless on the floor only added to his excitement.

He should have been crying, but yet he felt perfect. Actually he felt happy as a wide grin spreaded on his face. Quite a disturbing sight to see a baby grinning like a madman when his father had just been killed in front of his very eyes.

Lily forced herself not to throw up. She had just lost her husband to protect a brat. A bastard child! He had killed James!

"You!" She yelled pointing her finger at Harry. "This is all your fault! You should never have been born!" She hissed at Harry and prepared to throw a curse at him but Tom was faster.

Another "Avada Kedavra" was heard and Lily dropped dead on the floor.

Harry was smiling in pure ecstasy. The feeling intensified as the second curse was shot. He smiled a genuine smile at Tom.

"Why isn't this lovely." A voice came.

Tom turned abruptly and faced the last man he wanted to see in that moment.

"This is such a sad moment" Albus said while tears streamed down his face "but this must be done. It's for the greater good." As he finished, both his and Tom's wands glowed green.

But Dumbledore was faster. The spell his Tom straight in the chest and he fell towards the ground.

Somehow, Tom's spell was also shot, although beacause of his falling, the spell misfired towards Harry.

As the baby was hit, the spell bounced off his forehead leaving just a lightning shaped scar on the pale skin.

The baby screamed as Tom's body dissapeared and he fell back in his crib, eyes wide and a painfull wave pulsing intermittently through his small and fragile baby body.

Dumbledore looked at the boy. His eyes were dull and an expression of pure horror was plastered on the child's face. 'Of course ' he thought 'his parents were just murdered in front of him'.

The old wizard lifted the boy and started scribbling a letter to explain to his relatives.

Albus was oblivious to the fact that the child wasn't looking at the corpses of his parents, but rather at the black spot that marked the place where Tom were, before he dissapeared.

He didn't notice the tears in the child's eyes and neither did he realize the child was sending him a murderous glare, icy and full of pain and hate.

All that Dumbledore thought about were six words.

'It was for the Greater Good'.

The Emerald Rose {Harry Potter}{Dark!Harry}Where stories live. Discover now