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Hello! This is Roxy and I am here to thank some of the people who commented on my latest chapter.

I know you were confused but I never intended for this to happen. To answer, no I don't have that account on fanfiction.net nor do I know of this book 'Eternal Darkness'. Although I have read Faust's book, I didn't steal his concept.

This was one of my friends, who thought it was funny to accuse me of copying. So thank you for pointing this out and I hope I cleared the confusion by modifying the chapter.

The painting done by Harry now has a connection with my book and it will explain a few things about our little boy. Please if you have questions or you see mistakes don't be afraid to ask or to point it out to me. You help me a lot!

Thanks again and I will try to update as soon as possible.

The Emerald Rose {Harry Potter}{Dark!Harry}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum