The Emerald Rose~6

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Harry Potter, age 7

Harry Potter was a small boy for his age being inches shorter then his other classmates. He was also a very beautiful child. He had black hair that was messy, but when it reached his shoulders it hung nicely, spiking at the bottom slightly as if trying to fight gravity and half winning.

He also had a light build with a 'delicate' face, high cheek bones, and pale skin. He also had large stunning emerald eyes that seemed to be precious stones that 'popped' against his complexion.

He was someone you would notice his angelic features standing out like a black drop of ink on a white paper.

He was also a silent child. He was very quiet spoken, but if he did speak his voice could ensnare you. He was silent when he walked too, but his movements were full of natural grace.

He was also built for speed as well as grace. He could move like a shadow across even an open field. He could run fast and as surefooted as a deer. His body was also made for fluid movement, like dodging the worst of hits and kick.

Harry was also intelligent. If you looking into his stunning orbs you could see the brilliance and cunning shinning behind the never ending green. You would also note his intelligence just by watching him. Harry never seemed bored of anything as he would just sit by and observe the world when there was nothing for him to do.

When Harry read the few books he could he always seemed to have a deep understanding of them. Knowing every hidden message and almost knowing what the author felt as they wrote the book also showed his observation skills.

Today was the first day of grade one for little Harry. He sat straight on his chair, unmovingly, peering ahead in an unblinking gaze.


Miss Laura was a thin woman with a supple face and a warm smile. She was used to dealing with small children and she liked her job.

She entered the classroom and looked at the little children swarming around, smiling and laughing.

"Good morning children!"

"Morning Miss Laura!" They chirped happily.

Since it was the first day of classes she first decided to make an intoduction game so she guided all of the children in a semicircle on a mat at the back of the classroom and she clapped her hands.

" about we talk a bit about ourselves?"

The first one to say something was a plump girl with a pair of dirty blonde pigtails framing her face.

"My name is Zoey Kinns and I am seven. I like my dolls, my puppy Ronald and cookies and chocolate and candies and everything that is sweet!" She said happily.

"Well done dearie! Who is next?" Miss Laura smiled and encouraged the other children.

They went on and on in a circle until they reached the last child, who so happened to be Harry.

"My name is Harry Potter and I am seven years old." He said slowly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I like painting..." He trailed off, unsure of his own voice. Miss Laura smiled and clapped her hands together.

"What a great ideea!  Now children we're going to have an art period. Today you'll be either painting or coloring."

There were some cheers and giggles as she set all the stuff in reach of the children. She moved to keep an eye on the ones who were painting to make sure they didn't swallow the stuff or slosh it around.

She half heartedly watched as she sat in a chair and gazed around the room keeping her eyes more on the rowdy student. Her eyes though, slowly drifted to the child at the back of the room in the art section.

Harry Potter. He was probably the quietest and politest first grader she had ever taught. He almost seemed too quiet for his age. She frowned. Maybe he wasn't feeling well? She stood and headed over to him.

It took her five minutes to reach him as kids called her over to help of look at their pictures. She gave them praise about their finger paintings before finally reaching Harry.

He sat with the easel back to her seeming focused on the picture. He had turned it so no one could see. She saw he wanted privacy. Many kids liked to keep their pictures secret till they finished for some reason.

Instead she smiled over the easel at the child. He looked up at her. His head tilted slightly in question making the left side of his bangs slid over his face slightly. Mrs. Laura thought it made him look utterly cute.

"Are you feeling okay Harry?" she asked.

He gave a small nod as if confused as to why she had asked.

"You're just so quiet."

He frowned as if understanding.

"I'm fine." He answered in a musical voice.

Mrs. Laura decided he had the voice to sing when he got older. She just smiled softly.

"Okay then. Can I see what you're drawing?"

He frowned a moment then nodded. She stepped around the easel expecting to see a finger paining or some splats of color. What she saw made her freeze, mouth open in absolute shock.

She stared for a few good minutes and she noticed the child beside her didn't even blink at her, just returned to drawing. The drawing was that of a man with a pair of white wings on his back. He was looking up and his eyes were sketched a dark onyx. Every detail was perfect, up to the last was an equiste work of art. In the sky, a small shining dot was looking down on the scrunched up figure, as if pitying him. Next to it, seemingly as a title, in beautiful calligraphic letters were scribbled two words: "Morning star"

"T-that's amazing Harry." She stuttered unfreezing finally.

"Thank you." He answered before he continued sketching.

She stared at the picture a few more minutes. Absolutely amazing.

She returned to her desk and left Harry alone, so in her dazed state, she never notices his pencil still moving on the canvas, coating the white wings in a shining steely black.

The Emerald Rose {Harry Potter}{Dark!Harry}Where stories live. Discover now