Chapter 1

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It's funny how people change. How one decision can alter your fate entirely. And yet, though it may not seem like it at the time, in the end you don't regret it. Rather you thank the person who pushed you to that decision, instead of hating them and resenting them, because at the end of the day, everything has a reason, a silver lining if you will.

Often I sit awake at night, wondering what would have happened if I had said no to Tomas' proposition. If I had refused and stuck to the Hunter's oath. Most likely I'd have been killed at sunset, but I always wonder either way. When you ponder over those decisions, you wonder if it really was what God intended for you, or if you defied the odds and completely altered your future.

I like to think that's what I did. I defied the Council, defied the Organization, defied whatever God watched over Amphilias. Chose my own path, making a new track instead of following the well-worn one. Chose to follow the Freedom Fighters. Chose to find Pegasus. Chose to find Tomas again.

He made me feel again. Made me feel human once more. And for that I thank him. Not that I tell him that; he's already cocky enough. Either way, I am following the Freedom Fighters, fighting for what I  believe is right, not being a puppet, a cog in the Council's machine. Here, at least I have a choice in my future.

"That's good, you're improving." Tomas called out. I smiled as Pegasus broke from the tree line. Finally. The last few hadn't worked so well.

Embarrassing Flashback

I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna-Pegasus swerved violently to avoid a tree right in our path. Losing my grip, I of course went tumbling into the pine needles below.

This time. A flock of birds flew straight into us. I went flying back into a tree.

'Come on Pegasus.' I whispered. Pegasus began to gallop, his great wings spreading out in anticipation. But being so young, the typical colt tangled up his legs, and he front-flipped, sending me into blackberries before we even took off.

Embarrassing Flashback Over

You get the point: We're horrible at flying when we need to be.

Sapphire flew up to join us as Pegasus found his feet and we began to move faster as he galloped on the wind. Looking at Tomas, I saw the mischievous gleam in his eyes, and realized. This wasn't fun: this was a race!

"First back to base picks tea!" He yelled, knowing he had the advantage over my inexperience.

"Game on!" I accepted the challenge. My fingers wrapped into Pegasus' mane and he began to gallop. He was almost fully grown now, though he was still mentally about six. Tomas had told me many things about being a Rider. Sapphire hadn't aged nearly as fast. She was technically about eleven right now, though she had matured a year ago. Although Sapphire was older, Pegasus was way faster and more agile, and Tomas just hated it. He has yet to prove us wrong though.

Sapphire began to catch up on us as we neared the stronghold we had taken up residence in. After getting out of the Sanctuary, we had realized that someone had leaked our location to King Zelrox, who lets just say was - is - a little annoyed I didn't bring Tomas to him. So he kind of, uh, put our names on Wanted Signs. All over Amphilias.

So yeah, we're famous.

I saw the landing area up ahead, and Sapphire close behind us. Pegasus began to gallop again, and we landed perfectly, excluding the slight stumble he made as his wings folded in. I heard Tomas groaning as Sapphire landed as well. I chuckled under my breath.

Slow pokes. I mind-linked to Pegasus. I heard him snorting in laughter. I removed the small saddle that Knox had fashioned for me from Pegasus' back. Sapphire had one as well.

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