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I Time, perpetual and endless be,

The mother, teacher, ascetic rishi;


I recorder of darkness, light be,

Churning life for truth, elixir clearly;


I but no one's friend or enemy,

Unrelated and relationship free;


I answer to all questions be,

Not answering my rue not be;


All answers but in future be,

If I answer - life's flow stops sadly;


I remover of all the pain do be,

Of joy, sorrow and melancholy;


I am the day, night, darkness, light,

Life, death, twilight – morning, night;


I knowledge, ignorance clearly,

I am wealth and even poverty;


I drown all sorrows and jubilee,

Replacing one with the other verily;


To move ahead my duty be,

And I ever move unceasingly;


To pause not within my capability,

I can't stop - that's a certainty;


I have seen all - present or hoary,

Witnessed everything - evil or holy;


I all the relationships change,

In me they end of any range;


Different knowing, telling be,

I know all answers, tell not surely;


I change all things constantly,

Devouring - ending all finally;


I a poet capable unfailingly,

View all sides the true reality;


I throw life's dice unsparingly,

And move the life according;


I a mirror reflecting truthfully,

But people avoid seeing reality;


I free of joy or melancholy,

Fate snags my flow slightly;


I am the path of action surely,

Need no explanation, conspiracy;


I like a river flowing do be,

To swim or sink – you are free;


Sorrows, joy my banks be,

Wash self in me continually;


I am but impartial thoroughly,

So say without mincing truly.


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