"Is there a reason you're talking to me about this?" I asked.

"No, not really. I would have asked Harry about it but it's more fun this way," he shrugged.

I was still slightly confused but I let it go.

"Are you going to tell Harry you like him?" he asked. 

"Why would I do that? He doesn't like me and it will make everything even more awkward than it needs to be," I replied. 

"Are you sure he doesn't like you?"

"Yeah, I think I'm pretty sure." 

As if Harry would ever like me.

"Think of it this way, Harry likes boys, you're a boy. Harry likes blonds, you're blond."

"Good thing I'm the only boy in the world with blond hair, then."

"Here's a tip for you, Harry likes it when guys submit to him but still have their own opinion. From this conversation, I can see that you're both of those things."

"You think I bottom?"

"Let's just say, I know that your knee isn't the only thing that gives you a limp," Zayn replied, throwing his cigarette onto the floor, crushed it with his foot and walked off, leaving me frowning at his retreating figure.

I knew Harry and I weren't the greatest actors in the world but how the hell could Zayn read us so well?

Obviously Harry and I weren't acting like a natural couple. It was extremely difficult to pretend to be the perfect couple with someone who hated you so much. It wasn't as if I was used to having a boyfriend anyway, so how was I supposed to act like I knew how to do it?

It was more Harry's fault than mine. He was the one that hung around my locker and overdid the affection. As far as the school knew, Harry was the loving one out of us two.

I nearly laughed. Harry and loving didn't belong in the same sentence. Not where I'm concerned.


I sighed and slammed the front door, the sound echoing around the empty and quiet house. Zayn's words were still flashing through my brain, they made me feel extremely dizzy and all I wanted to do was to fall asleep and forget everything.

Sadly, I couldn't do that because pretty much as soon as I lay down on my bed, someone rang the doorbell. I groaned but stood up, walking down the stairs and opening the front door to yell at whoever it was that had the indecency to interrupt me whilst I was trying to sleep.

What I hadn't expected was for Jade to be standing on the other side of the door, smiling widely when she saw it was me who had opened the door.

"When did you get back?" I asked, pulling her into my arms.

"Like, half an hour ago. God, I missed you, Niall," she let out. 

"Well, you didn't really miss anything here."

"Nothing about you and Harry?"

"He still hates me and I still hate him. Nothing's changed," I frowned. 

For some reason, I didn't particularly like saying that. 


Harry wasn't any less annoying the next day. He was waiting at my locker for me, much like he usually did, kissing me softly on the lips when I made my way over.

I noticed that people were still staring at the two of us, causing me to internally roll my eyes. Shouldn't it be old news by now? Why were people still so invested in our relationship?

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