ALPHAS: Are they overdone? Why so popular?

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@BVBLover213, @RepulsiveAllure and @Morterra

 Alphas are in ALMOST all werewolf stories on wattpad. Are they overdone and over rated? What is it about them that makes us want to read their story? Here's what some people on wattpad have to say.

Disclaimer: This is not meant to discredit any stories involving alphas. This is merely a  free discussion to give writers insight into what some readers think about ALPHAS.


Um, it all depends. Alpha's that reject their mate because they're fat and not pretty like they'd like them to be but later on come back as Victoria Secret models and THEN they want their "gorgeous mate", seriously piss me off and are WAYYY overdone. Like seriously, please come up with something different and the writer's aren't really giving out a good reputation for girls our age or younger. It's like saying you have to be skinny to be pretty and it's not true...but this is beside the point, haha. In my opinion the Alpha as the mate of the main character makes everything a bit more interesting, simply because we all love a man who can protect us and then give into us whenever we want to take control. And who can say no to a man that's possessive...obviously in not a harmful way or anything but the one's that show that they love you and that you belong to them as much as they belong to you.



I don't like them nine times out of ten. Most of the time (in fact, all of the time I've ever seen them, but I haven't read everything out there) they're portrayed completely wrong. They don't act like real wolves at all.

"Oh no," people say, "we're just being unique. It doesn't have to be realistic."

Well, no, it doesn't, but if you're going to take the time to be quote unquote "unique" you might as well think up your own word, as well. 'Alpha' isn't even considered a technical term by some wolf experts, so what made you want to stick to the word?

But I'm not just nitpicking about word use. The majority of alphas are not actually alphas. They are betas.

That's right, all you werewolf writers who use the wolf pack roles. You thought you were writing about an alpha, but really, you were writing all beta.

I'll explain it. Alphas are not the brawn. They are the brains. They sit back and watch things happen; they do not run out at the first sign of trouble and attack things. They do not throw their weight around. They do not act arrogantly or ignorantly. They are the only thing between the pack's well-being and their death, and they are responsible for every member of the pack. If there's an opposing bear, the alphas get most of the wolves to stay away. If there's a new member, the alpha is one of the last to greet them.

Those two jobs, fighting attackers and seeking out newbies to the pack, are the beta's duty. The beta is a big tough brute who fights and asks questions later. He or she will put their life on the line every second of every day if they have to. An alpha would never, ever do that.

Now that I've given everyone a National Geographic rant, I'm gonna eat a cup cake


 Lots of werewolf books on wattpad has alphas in them but that's because in my opinion they are possessive, powerful and just wickedly amazing. I mean werewolf books with betas are awesome but alphas are basically the king of the pack. They have the final say and pretty much do what they want. Of course there is the added responsibility of taking care of the entire pack. Although I would love to see a story of a normal (in the werewolf world) everyday wolf who isn't a beta, omega or alpha. Just your average Joe who's a member of a pack living day to day as his life gets tangle up in decisions made by his alpha. But for now, I think alphas will continue dominate werewolf stories on wattpad. Nuff said!


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