Werewolf Stories Readers on Wattpad Likes

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These are some of the werewolf stories readers love.


WEREWOLF LIBRARY WILL LIKE TO THANK THESE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FOR THEIR ANSWERS:@JrGraham,@AnjelicaTrujillo,@xMalloryx3,@Skye_flyer,@YouCantJudgeMe,@XxMoonsongxX, @AeroWolf,  @StephDaBish,  @TheBlueMushroom.



my favorite type of werewolf story is the horror type. I do enjoy the supernatural lycan stories, but I have to say a ferocious man eating beast just warms my insides.


I would have to say my favorite type of werewolf story never involves the alpha and mate. I like my werewolves to start out as the monster that stalks you through the woods before you learn what amount of humanity they may or may not possess. The kind of story i like is gory, funny, and maybe a tad bit racy; certainly enough so that it inspires a hunger in the reader to dive into the story.


My favorite type of werewolf story is the romantic type. I love the concept of mates and that there is one other person in the universe that was made specifically for you! I think that that is so cool! I also love reading humorous werewolf stories! I mean c'mon who doesn't love a good laugh?


I like stories that are well-thought out and are not the same old mate story. If done right, a story about mates can be good, but it has to be different than everything else. I like werewolves, and I like a little romance in it, but I like a conflict other than mates and all of that. I like stories with a bad guy, and cool characters that fall in love on the side.


I love werewolf stories were instead of the girl running way after being rejected she fights back and shows her mate what he's missing out on. I also like werewolf stories were the werewolf has grown up with vampires, but eventually finds out she's a werewolf instead.


 I like werewolf stories that involve the alpha male, who is a jerk. And the unsuspecting girl of who and what she is. They run into each other on accident, and are inexplicably attracted to each other. The alpha loves the girl for who she is, and tries his best to win her over. The girl is self conscious and doesn't believe him about his love. Then she finds out who and what she is, and needs him. Together they face the enemy and win the war.


I like werewolf stories a werewolf falls in love with a human. Or vice versa.


My favorite kind of werewolf story is when the romance isn't all there; I hate stories that's only focus is mates. I'd much rather enjoy a book with a strong lead character going on some kind of quest, or doing something that doesn't have all this romance and rejection. Action and mystery are at the top of my list


I'm a very picky reader and mostly read only published books. My favorite story at all(with that I mean, if the book had this in it, I would read even if it was a 1D fan fiction. Alright, bad example. But you get me right?) would be a story where the story in itself builds up. Where you get to know characters through the entire book and are not just introduced to them all in the prologue. My favorite story would be one I had to think, believe, hope, cry and pray to God. My favorite werewolf story is one with a purpose, a goal and a mind blowing plot that is OF COURSE well developed

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