Spin-off story {1}

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「From the chapter "...Digging the past {part-1}"」

Sasuke's face came closer, their lips almost touching if he had moved in a further 3 inches. Flustered, Sakura turned away with her face flushed like a tomato.

When they were close enough, Sasuke parted his lips to speak; his warm breath caressing the Cherry's velvety skin.

"Sakura . . . ," he called. His voice was deep yet soothing to the ears. Sasuke scrutinized the girl before him -more like examining her reddened face- with his brows drawn together as he concentrated.

'T-T-T-T-TOO C-C-CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!! Σ(っ゚Д゚;)っ ,' Sakura thought as she turned away to avoid herself from drowning in his gaze and voluntarily squeezed her eyes shut.

She heard the 'King' whispered her name again but she didn't budge. She could die of heart attack!!!!

"Sakura," Sasuke started . . .

'A-AAAAHH!!! Are you trying to kill me again, Sasuke-kun!!!??? ∑( ̄□ ̄;) ,' was what Sakura was shouting out in her head.

But . . . , dreams are farfetched.

"I..., I just can't understand, Sakura.....,"
"Why's your forehead so wide? "

' 「• • • • •」
( ╬ = △ = ) ...Huh? '

「After several minutes」


"Sasu-WOAH!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ROOM!!!??? Σ (゚Д゚;) "

It was none other than his annoying manager who excused himself in.

The idol was sitting on his king-size bed with his hands folded over his chest. He was way too far to be his normal self because Kabuto could feel the menacing aura the Uchiha was giving off. Although, a mild one.

The latter took a peak from the corner of his eyes at his silver-haired assistant who was being more dramatic than he should be. Sasuke closed them back as he started speaking.

"A tornado passed by. (¬_¬) "

"WHAT KIND OF A TORNADO WOULD CHOOSE TO FLIP A ROOM UP-SIDE-DOWN INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!??? YOUR ROOM'S A WHOLE NEW LEVEL, OI!!! ∑( ̄□ ̄;)," Kabuto retorted, panicking about the situation in which Sasuke's room was in.

The latter merely shrugged with his brows twitched, and spoke in his head, "Believe me, Kabuto... You wouldn't want to know about it . . . . ."

Do you wanna know too, minna-san? XD
«By the way, that's the nearest pic I can find that relates the chapter ●_●»
Hope you enjoyed reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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