Complicated issues

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[The same afternoon]

*♪-naruto main theme-♪*

A certain flavid-haired teen stirred in his luxurious bed before nuzzling into his pillows. The volume of the ringtone grew louder the longer it was left ignored. Naruto squirmed in bed and let out an irritated moan as the ringing continued.

"GYAA!!! Who the hell is it-," the boy grumbled and reached out a hand for his cellphone.


After a moment of listening, the latter shot up. Naruto's somber face drained its colors as if looking at an iridescent portrait. On the other side of the line was the man he would never dare to disrespect.

"K-K-K-KISHIMOTO-SAN!? Σ(゚ロ゚) OHAYO GOZAIMASU," the sleepy-head shouted into the mouthpiece. The person laughed at his spontaneous reaction.

"Ha-ha! It's already half the day, Naruto-kun," the producer corrected. The xanthous lad glanced at his green, frog-shaped clock where its hour and minute hands were at twelve and one respectively. He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed abruptly before asking, "Why'd you call me, Kishi-san? . . . Ah! So you've decided on Yoruno's cast?!"

The Uzumaki's cerulean eyes lit with excitement and curiosity. The three whisker-like-birthmarks curved a little on his cheeks as he flashed a huge grin, brighter than the sun. But what he didn't know by then was what his expectations and enthusiasm would turn out to be.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •
[The Uchiha residence's garden]

A warm breeze swept across the lush green vegetation growing thickly yet accordingly in the luxurious garden of the Uchiha residence. The wind took the lead as the trees and shrubs danced along as ripples formed across the surface of the pond.

A young girl stood at the edge of the pond. Her candy floss- colored hair brushing her cheeks as Sakura stared into the water.

"One more time . . . Just this one last call and that's it," she muttered to herself as the ghost-girl took a deep breath before opening her mouth.


Her call was disrupted by a sudden loud splash from the pond which startled Sakura to the core. The Cherry gasped astoundingly and backed a few steps away.

Water droplets from the pond showered down like rain, but only for several seconds. A silhouette of a person covered in a black robe appeared before her eyes. Unlike her -who's a mere soul- the standing figure was drenched from head to toe.

Sakura's suspicious gaze quickly changed into a look of relief once the man revealed his face.

"Eh! Mugen!?"

"Yah~ Sakura," the young reaper greeted, his lips curved up mischievously before a globular device appeared floating above his palm.

"Hmm~ these are quite a number of calls, I see . . . Missed me?"

The carefree reaper casually ran a hand through his wet hair, trying to brush away the sticky strands which irked him, before snapping his fingers once. Miriculously, all the water dried up; not a single drop left behind. Sakura, on the other hand, just gazed at the young man in front, trying to take in all the sudden change of events. Her wide, emerald eyes slowly turned into a glare. Yet, with a resigned sigh, the Cherry asked him about her 'dream'.

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