Chapter 1: Death of the Peerless Loser (Edited)

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Chapter 1- Death of a Peerless Loser


A humanoid silhouette was sliced in two instantly, its body parts falling to the ground as if they were lifeless to begin with.


Next to the body a young man sighs in relief, he was of medium build, less than average height, with dark hair, brown eyes and a light brown skin tone.

Normally a person his age should be filled with the vigorous nature of youth, however this young man appeared somewhat more mature. His heaving chest and deep breaths revealed that he was tired.

His expression displayed indifference, his faced hardened by constant battle. He was brandishing a sword; this sword was covered in blood.

Surrounding him were approximately 50 or so corpses, littering the floor.

"Damn, these guys didn't give me enough experience! These demons are too weak; I just wasted five minutes for nothing!"

After muttering to himself the man returned his katana to its scabbard and checked his body, to ensure he was all in one piece. He was pleased with the results, for his white robes were spotless. There were no cuts, dents, not a single speck of any sort on them, not even a drop of blood. It was almost as if he hadn't been in a fight at all! After realizing that nothing was wrong, he started looking around.

"Ah, I never did notice the surroundings. The moment I entered this place I was fighting!"

The young man gasped at the immensity of the room, it was a large circular hall, with the diameter of an entire building. Its height stretched as far as the eye could see, it's black walls covered in ancient looking golden runes.

"Right it is time to go face the boss."

After taking in the view, the man slapped his own face and started taking steps forward, these steps however were not normal.

The moment he took a step forward a sheet of ice, half a meter in area, would form beneath his foot. Every time he took a step forward this occurred, and a new sheet of ice would form, eventually creating a flight of stairs, coiling upwards, made entirely from ice.

After a while the boy was out of sight, the steps turned into a vapor and dispersed. The floor was empty, besides the bodies left by the young man. Behind the bodies was an open door, if one was to go through that door, a very large, long cave would be found. The cave was seemingly normal, with the exception of the floor, every single inch of which was covered in blood.

The dismembered body parts of seemingly humanoid creatures littered its entire length, forming heaps the size of houses. All these body parts looked as though they were cut apart cleanly, by a blade, a very sharp blade. On close inspection these parts were twitching, with minute movements, as if they had been alive a few minutes ago...


Will's family situation was a bit complicated. The Chamberlain family was always successful, because Will's father was a wealthy businessman. Will's older brother Michael was also skilled in the business world and helped his father manage various companies. Jane, the second born sibling, was a talented Martial artist who was very gifted for her age. She was predicted to compete internationally in the future. Will - was Will, he had no special inclination or ability. The family was always a bit competitive, but things changed a few years ago.

Will's father remarried a few years ago. This woman was considered to be the perfect woman. She was smart, intelligent, and beautiful, the perfect trophy wife. She came from a rich family and had two children from a previous marriage. They were twins, a boy and a girl. They too were very accomplished and intelligent. Lisa was a famous classical pianist at only 12. Dillan was a science savant who was offered scholarships to universities by the time he was 13. Needless to say, Will's stepmother doted on them and was extremely proud. To Will, his stepmother was a devil who brought two demons into his life.

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