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Lauren P.O.V
"Lisa is alive and stable"the doctor says
"What happened?" My dad asks.
"Well Lisa had a heart attack and during that even she had a seizure and fractured her left leg" he says and my smile drops.
"But she's awake" he says and we all start smiling. My Lisa is awake! Thank you lord so much!
"Can we see her?" I ask excited and he nods.
"But please don't get loud and don't overwhelm her, she's quite weak right now" the doctor says and we all nod. I bolted into Lisa's room and when I saw her tears came to my eyes.
"Hey Laur" she says weakly and I wave and walk over to her. I hear my other sisters run into the room after me and I see them smiling like crazy.
"Hey Lisa" I say softly and go and hug her. I can't believe she had a heart attack and right in front of me. The rest of my sisters come over and hug her except for Amy.
"Where Amy?" Lisa asked starting to panic and her heart monitor was starting to pick up.
"She's okay Lise, she's okay." I say quickly and she starts to calm down.
"She's just in a different room" Christina says and she nods.
"When can I get out of here?" Lisa asks and I chuckle and she raises a eyebrow at me.
"Typical you to just have a heart attack and you already wanna get out" I say and her eyes widen.
"I had a heart attack?" She asks and we nod.
"You also coded" Christina tells her.
"So that's what that white light was." She says and all our eyes widen.
"Wait you saw a light!" Dani asked and Lisa nodded.
"That's so cool" she says and we all give her a are you serious look and she shrugged her shoulders.
"But seriously when can I get out of here?" She asked and we shrugged our shoulders.
"You can actually get out today but we just need your parents to sign papers and give you your medicine" the doctor states walking in and we nod.
"Your sister Amy is getting cleared right now so if any of you guys wanna go help her out go right ahead.
"I'll go" Dani said and we nodded
"I'll go with her" Kath said while walking out behind Dani.
"How you feel Lise?" I ask her and she shrugs.
"I feel like getting hit by a bus, at least I think that's what it feels like" she says and we chuckle.
I then see a doctor walk in with a wheel chair which I assume is for Lisa.
"Let's get you in this chair and we can get you outta here" the doctor says while smiling.
"Your parents have your pills and you need to take 2 of each every day, and as for you Lauren your parents have your pills as well" she tells us and we nod. Lisa gives me a questioning look.
"I got a concussion but that's it." I tell her and she sighs. We help her get into the chair but I can tell she's in a lot of pain.
"Ow, oww" Lisa says gritting through her teeth.
"You okay Lise?" I ask her and she waves me off. After about 5 minutes we got her into the wheel chair and I wheel her out of the room and when we do we see our parents,Kath , Dani, and Amy on crutches. When Amy  sees us her face brightened up.
"Lisa!" Amy shouts trying to get over to us as fast as she could which wasn't very fast. She got over to us and hugged Lisa and Lisa returned the hug.
"Hey Ames" Lisa says, and not a few seconds later she yawns. Ever since we uploaded the video we have been getting many prayers and it warms my heart knowing how loyal our fans are. I wheel her to the car and wait for dad to help Lisa into the car.
Lisa P.O.V
I'm waiting for dad to come help me get into the car to go home, I still can't believe I died and had a heart attack. I'm pretty lucky if you ask me. A few minutes later dad comes over and he helps me into the car which was not a fun process. My leg feels like it's gonna just fall off and to be honest I feel as if that would be a good thing.
It just hurts so bad and so does my stomach, I have to stay in this stupid wheelchair for like 3 months. This is going to be the worse time of my life. And poor Amy has to be on crutches, she didn't deserve that but in the bright side she didn't get shot so that's good.
We have like 45 minutes left to get home and my mom gave me my phone and earbuds so I just put on boys like girls and rest my head on the window. Wait the fans! I have to let them know I'm okay, I know the girls posted a video about the situation and so many fans prayed for me which is amazing.
I go onto my Twitter and type
Okay guys guess what, IM ALIVE!! Thank you all so much for your prayers and I guess they were heard because we're here. This is going to be a long journey and I hope you guys stick with us, but for now I'll see you guys later! BYE!
I finish typing and post it and I'm already getting Twitter notifications.
Your alive!
The queen lives!
We've missed you!
And so many more tweets and it just makes me feel good. I just keep reading them and responding to a few of them and before I know it were home.
"We're home guys" my dad says and I nod, can't wait to get sleep!
The door opens and I see Mike come out and he comes and picks me up.
"Hey Lise" he whispers knowing that I want to sleep and he carries me inside and puts me in the couch. He grabs me a blanket and drapes it over me and I smile. I then see my other sisters come inside and Christina and Kath help Amy get upstairs. Dani and Lauren come over to me hugs me.
"Good night Lise" Dani says while walking upstairs and Lauren comes over and kisses my forehead.
"Night Lise shout if you need anything" she says and then goes upstairs. Mike then sits down on the couch across from me and puts a pillow down and then gets up and walks out of the room, he comes back a minute later with another blanket and lies down on the other couch.
"Mike what are you doing?" I ask him and he looks at me with a duh look.
"To make sure your okay during the night duh" he says and I smile, he's such a good older brother.
"Good night Lise" he whispers
"Night Mike" I respond and I close my eyes and a pit of darkness engulfs me.

Is it over?

A/N: I promised you guys a chapter eh, though I feel like utter crap right now and feel like I'm about to pass out I still promised you guys a chapter! So hope y'all enjoy and sadly the story is almost over 😭😭 BUT there will be a sequel and if you have any ideas you can pm me or just comment! How will the girls recover over this? Hoped y'all enjoyed!
See y'all l8er!

Taken *Cimorelli*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя