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Lisa P.O.V
Hey Lisa we're going to the park, wanna come? My little sister Dani asks. Yeah sure, give me a second though. Okay! Shouts Dani as she runs downstairs. I go to my dresser and grab my black north cal SnapBack and put it on and I go look in the mirror and look at my outfit. Pretty good I think as I look at my dark denim jacket with a white shirt underneath with black leggings.
Lisa hurry up! I hear my older sister Christina shout.
Coming! I yell as I walk out of my room, well technically mine, Lauren, and Dani's but since I'm the oldest I vote it's mine. I chuckled at the thought while walking down the stairs.
What are u laughing at fatso? I hear Lauren ask.
Nothing you weenie! I shout sticking out my tongue. We all piled into the car a drive to the park while on the way their I was listening to my music on shuffle. I wonder how today will go I think.
We're here! My other older sister Katherine shouts stopping my thoughts. As I get out I see my other sisters already running and then I see Dani fall on her face, I start chuckling at the moment. Then I feel a nudge on my arm and see Lauren.
Hey laur, what do you want to do considering they are all busy doing their thing I point over to my sisters who are chasing each other.
Can we throw a football around? Lauren asks shyly.
Sure! I respond excitedly. We go over a little bit away from the girls where's it's quiet and start throwing the ball around. We're having a conversation while throwing but then I over threw the ball and it went down a hill.
I'll get it! Lauren responds as she runs down the hill. I wait about 2 mins but she still didn't come back so I was going to go get her until I saw the most horrifying thing. A man grabbing Lauren and trying to take her.
CHRISTINA! KATHERINE! HELP! I scream as I start running down the hill.
LAUREN! I yell and run down the hill to where they were.
Lauren P.O.V
As I was walking down the hill I felt someone put their mouth around me and grab me and I start kicking and attempting to scream but couldn't.
Shut up little girl the man says but I keep trying to get free until it was no use.
LAUREN! I heard ad saw her coming down the hill full speed looking angry as ever and comes and tackles us to the ground. I managed to get out of his grip and I crawled away while I saw Lisa throwing punches at him until he got up and tackled her.
LISA! SOMEONE HELP! I shout before jumping on the guys back and start pounding his head until he managed to grab me and pull me over his head and slam me on the ground.
I feel pain wracking my body but I look to see Lisa and the man at a stand off.
LAUREN! LISA! I hear people shout who I believe are my sisters but I'm not sure since I'm on the ground. I then put my hand to my back and I feel a sticky liquid.
Must of been from the fall I thought. I get up and run to the guy and tackle him from behind but that only lead to me getting pushed into a rock.I sit up slowly and then feel arms surround me and j start kicking and screaming. Laur it's me shh. I hear my sister Dani say and then I look up and see Dani and Amy crouched down next to me.
Christina P.O.V
I hear Lisa screaming my name so I immediately stop what I'm doing and run with my sister behind me and what I see horrify's me, Lauren on the ground and Lisa fighting some man.
LAUREN! LISA! I shout and then I see Lauren getting up and tackle the guy but then she gets pushed into the pole. I feel anger boil through me as I see this man hurt my sisters. Amy, Dani go to Lauren. Katherine lets get this ass of our sisters. She nods her head and we run towards the man and Lisa. He just pushed Lisa down and kicked her in the stomach. I went up to the guy and punched him straight in the face. He stumbled back and as I was going in for a punch he bent down and lifted his hands and then grabbed me and flipped me over him. I'm on the ground rolling as my back is in pain but then I roll and I see the man go for Kath.
Kath! I yell but it dosen't come out as loud as I thought it would. But of course she didn't hear me due to her helping Lisa. The man goes behind her and hits her in the back and she falls to the ground. I saw him go for Kath until Lisa stuck her foot out and tripped him. He didn't not look happy so he picked Lisa up and put her in a choke lock and pull out a pistol and put it to her head.
We were all hesitant to move which made him more angry as he cocked the gun back.
NOW he screams. We all rush over to the van while Amy and Dani help Lauren in as we wait for the man to bring Lisa.
Lisa P.O.V
I just tripped the guy but he did not look happy as he picked me up and put me in a choke lock. I started struggling to breathe but I heard him yell to get into the van or else he would shoot me. No one dared to move and then he cocked the gun back and that's when tears started pouring down my face.
NOW he screamed! My sisters hurried over to the van and I saw Amy and Dani help Lauren to  the van. Poor lolo I thought, but then was roughly pushed towards the van and I heard in my ear, if anything ur the one not making it you little bitch he whispered. I shivered at his breathing down my neck. We got to the van and he put me in it but as I just got in a kneeling position I felt something hit the back of my head and I saw my self falling forwards and heard my name being yelled until darkness overtook me.
Amy P.O.V
The man just brought Lisa to the back and when I saw her face she looked petrified and he pushed her into the van. As she got on her knees the man raised the back of his gun and hit her in the back of the head.
LISA! I shout and try to catch her but I was too far away from her and she face planted on the cold metal. I immediately crawled over to her and started shaking her until Christinan told me to stop.

Lord please help us!

A/N: hoped u guys liked it as the first chap. I have good plans for the future but please comment any ideas if you want! I'll try to update at least twice a week probably more being so I just started to get some chapters out. Stay tuned for chapter 2!

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