(Chapter 7: Diligence vs Fat Louie) Katie's POV

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Katie walked into her apartment sighing softly. She turned on the light and headed towards the kitchen. She sat her bags down on the kitchen table, and then she went to grab some cat food.

"Fat Louie, I'm home."

Fat Louie, an orange tabby, walks from the living room. He stares at Katie for two seconds, swishes his tail, and then walks over to his food and happily starts eating. Still having work to do, Katie fixed a ham sandwich.

"Well, Fat Louie, we have a pretty big case on our hands- er paws. There's something missing; I just know it. What do you think, Fat Louie?" Katie looked down at Fat Louie who had just finished his food. He briefly looked at her and then walked off back into the living room.

"You're absolutely right; we should start working on the case. Alrighty then, let's do it."

The next day, Katie and Aaron went to see the psychiatrist, Elijah Rivers. They walked into the office to see an aging Caucasian man with small beady eyes. His graying hair was disheveled, and it looked like the world was on his shoulders.

"May I help you?" Dr. Rivers asked.

Katie cleared her throat, "Dr. Rivers, did you have a patient by the name of Bradley Pickering?"

"Yes, I did."

"I'm sorry to inform you that Bradley was murdered on Tuesday afternoon."


"Yes, do you have any idea why he was murdered?"

Dr. Rivers just sighed, removing his bifocals and set them on his desk. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and said softly, "No, I don't."

"What can you tell me about Bradley?" Aaron asked.

"I'm not really supposed to breach patient confidentiality."

"We have a warrant, so go on," Aaron said while taking the paper out of his coat pocket and laying it on Dr. River's desk.

Dr. Rivers perused over it and hands it back over to Aaron. "Bradley has been a patient a little over three years now. He had started coming because he had commitment issues with his girlfriend, Rose Hamilton."

"When you say commitment issues, was she the one cheating?" Katie asked.

"No, it was the opposite. He was seeing a woman named Stacy Jenkins."

Aaron and Katie exchanged glances.

"Did Stacy and Rose know each other?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, they did. They were friends ever since college."

"Okay, well thank you so much for your help."

"No problem and good luck. Oh, and officers, one more thing. Bradley told me that he kept a journal under the floor board in his bedroom under his bed. Maybe there will be some clues that will help you in your case."

"Okay, thanks once again."

"So, what are our plans now?" Katie asked as they were walking to the car.

"Checking the floorboards," Aaron said.

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