Totally different.

'Sent by: Marinette

Oh right. I completely forgot hehe

Sure! I'll tell mama that :)'

She paused upon remembering what Adrien told her a while ago. He told her that he would be coming over.

Oh no.

This was bad.

Very, very bad.

'Sent by: Adrien ⭐💍💌🗼🌹🐈♥♥
Thank u so much Marinette :) i'll be there any minute now. I'm on my way :)'

Marinette shrieked in terror as she shot up from her seat and began to hide all the pictures of Adrien around her room. Alya groaned once she saw the ruined heart she made, thanks to Marinette's shriek. The brunette stood up and stopped the running Marinette through grabbing her arm.

"What's wrong, M?" questioned Alya. The teen's eyes frantically scanned the area for more pictures, scared that Adrien might see one of them. "Adrien's coming over. He's coming over Alya! Help me!" she exclaimed as she grabbed Alya's shoulders and began shaking them.

"Calm down, girl. It's not like he's going to show up right now." said Alya as she brought both hands up.

And as if on cue, her mother called out, "Marinette! Adrien's here!"

And all hell broke loose as the two ran inside her room, hiding all the things related to Adrien. The two stopped from running and smiled sheepishly as the newcomer opened the trapdoor to her room. There stood Adrien, flashing his model smile to the girls.

"Hi there Alya and Marinette!." he greeted. Marinette could feel her feet get jelly, and Alya could see it. "Hi Adrien!" they both greeted at the same time.

"Can I come in?" he shyly asked as he scanned the room. Marinette nervously chuckled and replied, "Sure thing! Please do come in, make yourself at home!"

The teen model entered the room and made his way over to their work in process project. As he did so, Alya winked at Marinette and patted her back.

"Wow, your project is amazing!" he complimented. The two turned to him and smiled. Alya stood up proudly, proud of their project. "Thanks! But it was all Marinette's idea." said Alya as she gestured to the lovestruck teen beside her. Marinette waved her hand in denial, saying, "Oh no, no. It was mostly Alya's idea, I just threw in some of mine."

"Oh come on, we both know that you gave the idea, not me." said Alya as she crossed her arms over her chest. Marinette shrugged and shook her head in response.

Adrien walked over to them, "Either way, it still looks amazing. Anyway," he turned to Marinette and placed a hand on her shoulder making the teen internally scream, while Alya grinned from ear to ear. "we should start studying now. Alya, would you mind if I borrow Marinette for several minutes?" he said and glanced at Alya. The brunette flashed him a thumbs-up, saying, "No, I don't! You can borrow Marinette whenever and wherever you like."

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