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My mind is in overdrive, like the wildest of NASCAR races.

My heart is pounding at light speed, as if I've just charged the bases for an inside the park home run.

My body is quitting on me, like I've just completed a triathlon.

Anger boils inside me, a rage that parallels that of a man on steroids.

Misery torments me, dragging me down into the dregs of human emotion.

Guilt tears me up inside, eating me alive like a ravenous monster.

My pain threshold increases tenfold at times like these; only intense pain can be felt through these emotions.

If I could, I would tear the flesh from my bones, or maybe scorch it 'til it melts clean off.

Any kind of physical pain must be better than this, the feeling that my heart is being raked over a cheese grater.

I am falling into an endless pit,
descending into madness, begging for the release of finally smashing into solid ground, and never having to think again.

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