Chapter Twelve

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Ellie's POV

It was 2:15 in the afternoon, and I was carrying all of my bags to the front door. I was so excited to go to Xander's cabin, especially with all of my friends! I could hardly wait.

A few moments later the doorbell rang, and I found Caroline and Josh waiting impatiently holding all of their bags. Caroline only had three, which was surprising, as normally she would try to bring ten.

Josh had one duffel bag and another small bag slung over his shoulder. Caroline always being paranoid-- which I can hardly understand why-- walked up, me and asked if I was checking out her boyfriend.

"Sorry Caroline, but I already have a boyfriend of my own!" I replied, smirking.

"Wait you and Xander are a thing?" Josh asked leaning on the door frame.

"Yes we are!" I said blushing.

"Awwww you guys make such a cute couple!" Caroline said, while squeezing the life force out of me.

"Caroline. . . let. . . me go!" I said in between breaths. She had a really strong grip. Must be a vampire thing.

"Yeah, seriously Caroline, let her go so she can invite me inside because my arms are getting tired."

"Sorry, darling," she said in her fake English accent. "And Josh what do you mean your arms are tired? Your arms don't get tired." Josh only rolled his eyes and shrugged, still holding the bags.

"Xander should be here any minute, so we shouldn't have to wait long," I stated walking off with Caroline.

"Ahem!" Josh grunted from the door frame.

"What?" I asked, turning around.

"Oh, sorry babe! Umm Ellie you're going to have to invite him in." She said motioning to Josh.

"Why, he is perfectly capable of walking through a door frame on his own!" I argued back and Caroline gave me the 'seriously' look. "Ohhhhhh," I realized. "Why didn't you just tell me he's a vampire?"

"I'm sorry, I totally forgot!" She said laughing.

"It's fine. So, Josh, you want to come in, huh?" I said, giving him a grin.

"Yeah," he said watching me intently, eager to come inside.

"Well, I'm sorry, but you can't," I frowned, and tried my best not to laugh.

"What? Why? How come Caroline can come in then?" He said in a whiny voice.

"Because Caroline is my friend and you are annoying!" I said starting to laugh.

Caroline started to laugh as well when Josh started punching the force that bound him to the outside.

"Alright, alright. You can come in!" I said not wanting him to make anymore noise. He ran inside using his vampire speed and headed for the kitchen. Great now he is going to eat all of our food.


"Wait Skyler please don–"


Skyler ran through the door and nearly jumped onto me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, and still squealing.

Aden came in behind her, holding their four bags. Whelp, guess he's not a vampire. So that meant there were 3 humans going and 3 vampires, the perfect balance.

After Skyler finally got off of me, I grabbed everyone's bags, and put them by the front door next to my own.

"Ok, everyone listen up! All of you get water bottles and small snacks for the trip. Everything is in the kitchen on the counter. Oh, and don't forget to take a wazz before you leave!"

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