Chapter Eight

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Ellie's POV

It was Friday. One day until the weekend, thank goodness. School was starting to ware me out, or should I say Vanessa and Xander's constant staring were beginning to wear me out. First period I was harassed by Vanessa, last period I was harassed by Xander and at lunch I was bothered by both.

Mrs. Abria had gotten used to the class, and I like her much more than Mrs. Williams. And, oh, great, I'm thinking about Xander again. Even though I really didn't want to be thinking about him, my mind constantly seemed to betray me and think of him anyways. He lied to me, betrayed me, and came very close to hurting me.

Well you don't know that.

Yes I do!




Geez, why the hell am I having an argument with myself? I decided to stop mentally fighting with myself, and focus on my school work, which was unusual for me because I hated school work.

Though school has been really easy lately. I even raised my C to a B in English. Must be because it's the holiday season, thankfully spring break was around the corner.

It was last period and I was too busy nibbling on my pen cap to pay attention even though I wanted too. I tried, I guess I'll give up now. Though, not to mention I could feel Xander staring bullet holes into my head.

A devious thought popped into my head, so I screamed, "WOULD YOU STOP STARING AT ME!" Of course I screamed that in my head, so only Xander could hear it. I was sure he got the message when I saw him flinch and finally look away, but his pained expression made me feel. . . icky inside.

Of course Xander seemed nice at first, laughing with me and walking me home, even if he did leave. But he was a vampire, he was a monster. Nothing would ever work out between us, even if I wanted it to.

The bell rang and I slumped out of my seat, heading for the door. Skyler had a doctors appointment for her ankle and Caroline and Josh had another date, so I would be escorting myself home.

I was out the school doors and almost to the woods when something whizzed passed me. At first I thought it was a bug, but then I realized bugs don't run or go that fast. So, lucky me, Xander was probably waiting to see me in the woods.

Once I passed the tree line and the brush became thick, the eerie feeling creeped up my back to my neck until I could feel it all over.

"Xander I know your out there!" I yelled, continuing my walk towards my house. I wasn't stopping for him.

A deep chuckle echoed throughout the forest. The hairs on the back of my neck rose, and goosebumps loomed along my arms.

Suddenly a young man stepped out of the bushes in front of me. He had on fairly regular clothes and his greasy blonde hair was swept to the left.

"Oh you scared me. I thought you were–"

I felt my breath catch in my throat. Something was terribly wrong. It was his eyes, they were red. Oh, god, he was a vampire.

"Indeed I am princess, and you're my dinner for tonight and every night hereafter," He said softly.

"No thanks," I found myself saying. Where the hell did that come from, self!? You're talking to a fucking vampire and now you want to be bold!?

Still not thinking, I turned around and ran for my life. I only hoped my several years of track team wouldn't fail me now.

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