Chapter 32

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The doctor pointed us in the direction of his room before the doors of the elevator closed. We were respectfully quiet as we walked down the hallway corridor once we got out the elevator. There was nothing particularly special about this hospital; it was cold and sterile just like any other one. We passed the half-opened doors that led to rooms full of patients in the same condition as Louis: tore up, but on their way to recovery. The knowledge that most of these patients would survive and recover to full health made the walk a bit less depressing. Still, I felt Liam's grip on my hand tighten every time we walked past a room where we heard a mother, a sister, or even a brother sobbing for his or her loved one. I knew how much Liam cared for his friends, his brothers. I still remembered that night in the strip club when I walked in on Liam trying to hold back tears. I knew this had to be tough on him, so I needed to be strong. Besides, I had a feeling that the closer I got to Liam and the Blood Knights, the more I'd see scenes like this. I was going to have to toughen up.

All that went out the door when I got my first eyeful of Louis lying on the flat hospital bed with IVs still hooked up to him. Despite the doctor's relatively positive news, I couldn't imagine him up and about anytime soon. All the blood was cleaned off him, and there was no longer the hanging scent of rust and salt around him. Still, though, the area on his cheek where they stitched him up was an ugly red color. His eyes were still too swollen for him to open them completely. He was watching the TV through eyes like slits, his head slightly propped up by a thin pillow. The rest of his body was covered up by the papery sheets, which was to my benefit, because I didn't think I needed to see the bruises on the rest of his body.

I yanked my hand from Liam and brought my hands to my mouth before I could say anything crazy, or even worse, let out a wail. My eyes were burning with tears, which was silly because I knew Louis would be okay soon. Liam had to step around me to go stand beside Louis' bed, because I'd frozen in my tracks as soon as I entered the room. Liam put his hands on the rail of Louis' bed and gripped them angrily, as if it was the bed's fault Louis was like this. Louis, apparently used to Liam's angry reactions, ignored him and focused on me. He gave me a half smile, since his lips were too messed up to give me a full one.

"Oh, come on, don't look at me like that," he said. His voice sounded much better than he looked, and his eyes once again had a playful gleam. "You're makin' me think I look like shit."

"You do," Liam said grimly. He narrowed his eyes and began moving his jaw back and forth like he was grinding his teeth.

Once again, Louis ignored him. "You can come in," he said to me. "I'm not contagious or anything. You ain't gone get a black eye just from being around me." He snickered at his own joke.

I walked forward slowly, coming to the side of the bed that Liam was on. Up close, I could see even the smallest cuts and bruises on Louis' body. It was difficult for me not to stare at the discolorations that stained his pale skin.

"Did they tell you when I can get out of here?" Louis asked hopefully. "I got a few customers to meet."

"They said a couple hours," Liam replied. "I'm sure Niall can handle it." Liam paused for a moment. "In fact, I want Niall to move back in with you."

"The fuck?" Louis protested, his voice cracking. "I can't have Niall's corny-ass hangin' around all day while I'm with my bitches! Sorry Deja." He added quickly. "But you know he'd do somethin' stupid like come home and walk in while I'm--" he finished his sentence with suggestive head nods and eye brow raises.

"Has he ever done that before?" Liam asked. I couldn't tell if he was amused or not, because remnants of anger were still present in his facial expression.

"Hell yeah!" Louis exclaimed, widening his eyes. "One time, I was with Tica in--"

"Nope, nope, don't need to hear it!" I interrupted, putting my hands over my ears. What Louis and Tica did together could stay between them, and Niall I guess.

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