Chapter 26

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I ignored Liam's text that night when he asked if I was okay.  That night, I was not okay.  After living in my perfect, traditional world where everything was face forward and laid out for you, Cori's words had left an impression on me.  I wasn't sure if the words were honest, or if Cori was just using a scare tactic, but they'd had an impact either way.  Before, I didn't think about Liam with suspicion.  I didn't wonder what he did on his jobs because I was afraid he was with another girl, I was just curious.  Even though I knew my suspicions were a bit too proactive, I let them linger in my mind all because of what Cori had said.  Over that day, though, I began to realize how over the top I was being.  Big Sean was right when he warned against hoes destroying relationships.  I just needed to get past this new, foreign mistrustfulness and remember that Liam had definitely chosen me.

So the next day, when he texted me again, I responded quickly.  Over the course of that week, Liam and I fell back into our old pattern of becoming close again, through texts, and calls, and by the end of the week even FaceTime.  I was starting to learn his favorites.  Like food, Liam loved seafood.  And Liam lined up his snapbacks and his shoes together as matching groups.  And sometimes, Liam let it slip about the things that I did that he liked.  Like when I apologized about asking so many questions all the time, he said it was okay because it showed that I cared.  And in the middle of the night, on one particularly long phone call, he admitted that he sometimes said harsh things just to see me gasp because he liked the way my dimples showed.  And he also said he was sad that the summer was ending, because he liked the way my skin darkened when I stayed out in the sun, even if I tried my hardest to prevent it.  I don't know how I managed to get these things out of him, considering how closed off he seemed initially, but I did.  

He wasn't the only one giving out the compliments.  I told him how much I liked it when he gave a genuine smile, because his eyes narrowed and crinkled up at the ends.  He said he didn't like this because it made him look like a baby.  I told him that I loved his laugh, because it was so infectious that even if I didn't get the joke I still had to smile.  And one time, in the middle of the night, on one particularly long phone call, I told him that I loved the way his soft hands felt when he touched my back.  And I don't even know why that thought came into my head, but it made him do that laugh I liked.

"You said you were a virgin," he commented, throwing me off a bit.

"Yes," I said slowly.  I didn't like to talk about that, even if it was late at night.

He laughed softly again.  "So how far have you gone, then?"

I was quiet for a moment.  "I don't know," I answered lamely.

Now, he was even quieter.  He wasn't quite whispering, but he had to bring his voice to his deepest.  "Did you go farthest with me?"

I considered whether to lie or tell the truth.  I didn't want to hurt his ego, but I was too sleepy to think about it for too long.  "No," I answered truthfully.

He didn't laugh then.  Now, his interest was peaking.  "Oh?  Well, then, how far did you go?"

I was tired of playing games with him.  "Second base," I answered.

"Hmmm," was all he said.  "I miss you.  You should come over now," he said suddenly.  Indeed, it was Thursday, so I hadn't seen him in a few days.

"Now?" I repeated, whisper-yelling.  "It's the middle of the night, Liam!"

"I know," he said, and I imagined him smiling here, "that's the best time to come over."  

For a delirious moment, I actually contemplated the idea.  But even in my grogginess, I had to come to my senses.  "I have work tomorrow, Liam.  I can't do that."

Liam groaned on the other side of the connection.  It was a loud groan, and I suspected that was for a reason.  

"I actually have to go to bed now, too," I continued, realizing how late it was.  "Some of us actually get up early."

He didn't say anything for a few seconds.  Then he said, "Let me take you out somewhere then.  On Saturday night, we should go on a date or some shit."

Even though I was lying on the couch in the pitch blackness, my eyes widened at the prospect of a real date.  I hadn't been on a real date in... ever.  No one had ever taken me on a date.  "Okay, yeah," I answered eagerly, because in the middle of the night you don't care how eager you sound.  "A date, then.  I've never been on a real date before.  Where at?"

He didn't say anything for a second, so I imagined him doing his classic shrug.  "I'on' know.  You said you liked Italian food, right?"  I did say that; he'd remembered.  "Okay, then let's walk around little Italy for a while, then, and go eat where you'd wanna eat.  That's cool with me if that's cool with you."

"Yeah, yeah," I grinned even though he couldn't see me.  "That would be fine.  It's a date, then."

"Yeah," he said slowly, as if he had no intention of ever hanging up.

The thought of him sitting on the phone trying to think of things to say made me giggle, and I tried to cover my mouth to stifle the laughs.  "Alright, Liam, I have to go to bed!"

He groaned again, but this time it was a bit lighter and more playful.  "Alright, babe.  Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Liam."

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