Chapter 19

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The next day of work was the same old, same old. I was getting used to the job, so I felt more comfortable walking around the office. I had a little routine going, actually, with Jason, Marie, and I creating a schedule of tasks to take each day to get everything done easily. I wasn't sure if my boss Jennifer had taken any notice, but Ron frequently voiced his approval, and so did the other permanent workers in the office. The best part, or rather the worst part if I were a good employee, was that Liam actually shot me a good morning text. I won't bore you with the details or anything, but it was sort of cute the way he used multiple emojis to express himself. We also followed each other on instagram, which was nice. He only had 500 followers, and he was following about 400 of them back, which made his account a bit different from mines, with me following 200 and having 3000 followers due to my association with Dorian. Still, though, it was nice to contact him a bit today.

When I got back from work, Nia was already sitting on the couch in her comfortable clothes.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to get something to eat," I commented as I walked inside the room.

"No need. Dorian's bringing us some food when she comes over today," Nia answered as she flicked between television station.

"She has time for us?" I gasped dramatically. I went into the bedroom and undressed until I was just as comfortable as Nia. We both had on wrinkled T-shirts and dingy cheer shorts.

"I guess so! She'll be coming by a little later."

"Can't wait," I said. I had something else to add, but I forgot what I was saying when I heard my phone buzz. "Where did I put my purse?" I asked myself aloud. I heard the buzzing get louder as I walked toward the kitchen and found my purse in one of the seats at the small kitchen table. "Found it." Quickly, I pulled it from my purse and unlocked to see the message. I was disappointed when it was from Dorian rather than Liam. "I'll be over in about fourty-five minutes!" I relayed the message to Nia and decided to nap until then.

I hated to acknowledge the existance of CP time, but when I was awakened by the doorbell signalling Dorian's arrival it was already six o'clock. I stretched and managed to remove myself from the covers. At least I would be able to stay up all night without getting too tired. Before I went into the family room again, I walked to the bathroom and gave my teeth a quick brush to get rid of my sleep breath. Then I went back to the family room.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty," Dorian joked as she walked toward me to give me a hug. She'd dropped her bags by the door. "You know we've got a lot of catching up to do. I feel like I haven't gotten to talk to y'all in so long!"

"We've all been busy," Nia agreed. "So this should be a lot of fun."

"Speaking of busy, why were you so late?" I asked accusingly. "I got a whole ass nap in before you finally showed up." I grabbed a few pillows from the couch and threw them on the ground so that we could have a place to sit.

Dorian blushed as she sat on one. She could do that because she was light-skinned. "Well, Big Sean and I were having a studio session, and we were just on a roll. Soon the single will be out, I think."

"Ooh, Big Sean? Are y'all...?" Nia trailed off suggestively as she adjusted herself on the pillow.

"Oh, God, no!" Dorian shrieked. "He's with Naya Rivera, remember? Besides, I like to just stay single. Get my player on," Dorian laughed at her own joke. "Unlike some of us." Then they both directed their attention at me, as if they could soak up some information just by staring at me.

"What?" I said defensively. I was glad that I wasn't as light as Dorian, so they couldn't see the embarrassment I felt. "What about Nia? She's the one who went on an actual date!"

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