Chapter 33

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When Liam brought me to Louis' house, I thought it would just be me, him Louis, and maybe Niall, so imagine my surprise when I saw Cori sitting on the couch right next to Niall, all dressed down in a T-shirt with the sleeves cut off and some too-short jean shorts. She didn't have a PS3 controller in her hand like Niall or Louis did, but she was enthusiastically cheering for Niall to win at their game of NBA 2K. Louis was sitting on the comfort chair, which left the couch on the wall to Liam and I.

"I got winner," Liam said as he threw his bottom down on the cushy couch.

"Looks like you'll be playing me!" Niall said as his player sunk a three pointer.

"Nice," Cori commented as if she actually knew anything about basketball or video games.

"My controller ain't workin'," Louis grumbled as she tossed the controller to Liam.

"You're just ass at 2K," Niall teased. "'Sup Deja?"

"Hi Niall. Hi Louis," I greeted them with a wave. I hadn't seen Louis in a few days, so I was pleasantly surprised by his appearance. A lot of the swelling had gone down, and his skin was much closer to its natural color. The stitched-up cut on his cheek also appeared to be healing. It was a huge turnaround from how he looked over a week ago.

"Hey Deja," Cori said unexpectedly. The tone of her voice threw me off, because there wasn't any detectable malice in it. Even her facial expression seemed, how can I put this... friendly? I felt the guys looking at me for my reaction.

"Hi," I said, trying to be as polite as she was. It was difficult for me to hide my contempt for her, though. To be honest, I wouldn't have come had I known she would be here. Did she always hang out with the boys like this? Actually, it was a good thing that I'd come. I really didn't want her around Liam when I wasn't, even if she was supposedly on Niall now. Call me overprotective, but I found it hard to trust a girl who's only defense of her actions was that people know "what it is."

Once the guys could see no drama was going to start, they refocused their attention on the game. Liam chose the Clippers and Niall chose the Heat again.

"You a bitch for playin' with the Heat all the time," Louis said snarkily.

"You just a sore loser," Niall replied as the Staples Center appeared on the screen.

"Bet you can't beat nobody with any other team. Not even the Spurs," Louis remarked.

Niall raised a hand to silence him. "Aye, boy, you'll get your chance to play me again in a second. Right now, it's Liam's turn to get his ass beat."

"Shieetttt," Liam said, as if to say "not likely." Then finally the game started. Niall woon the tip off and dribbled to offense.

"Heard you were good at video games," Cori said to me quietly after a few minutes, taking my focus away from the game. Since our ends of the couch were near each other, it was possible for her to say this to me without the others noticing.

"I'm alright," I said flatly, not wanting to continue talking to her. Why was she all of sudden trying to be so cordial now? Maybe she should've tried that when she was sleeping at my house.

"You ever played 2K?" she persisted. Her expression was neutral, no overdramatic friendliness or lurking rudeness present.

"Why does it matter to you?" I said sharply. "You can't just watch the game?"

"Wow, chill," Cori backed down as she raised a hand in defense. "I'm just trying to chat."

"For what though?" I snapped. I didn't want to be rude or cause a scene, but she was really working my nerves, trying to talk to me like we were friends or something.

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