Chapter 1

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Louis POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! my alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning. I groan and lay in the bed for another 5 min, before I get up. I get up and walk into my small bathroom and turn the shower on, I let it run and then I got in it. I was in the shower for about 30 min, I got out and dried off before I went into my room with my towel wrapped around my waist. I picked out a pair of Black Skinny Jeans and a Black Shirt with my decent looking Toms. The good thing about my job was that I can wear whatever I wanted. I have two jobs, one at The Vine Diner in the morning at 7:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m., and the other as The Manager a Bar at night 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m.

It's now 6:30 and I go and wake up my sister's first Lottie. I knock on the door the Lottie's room. "Lottie wake up dear, you have to get up to go to school" Louis said, while shaking Lottie lightley making her groan. "Mmm five more min Louis", Louis sighs and goes to wake up Fizzy. When he goes into her and the twins room he laughs because, the twins are hanging off the bed. Not to Louis surprise Fizzy was already awoke and dressed in her school uniform. "Daisy, Phoebe wake up" Louis says. They jump up instantly and run to the bathroom both trying to get their first.

"Girls let's go, you have to eat your breakfast on the way, because Lottie wanted to sleep" Louis yells upstairs. "OK"!! The Girls yell in unison. It's now 6:45 and the girl's have to be to school by seven and I have to be to work by seven-fifteen.

I close the door to the house i've lived in since I was born. Me and the girls hope into my car, it was a black 2004 Acura tl, Zayn and his family had got me it for my 17th Birthday and I was so thankful to them. They've always treated me like family and I feel like family. I start the car and begin to the school. We get there at 6:55, we all say our goodbyes and have a good day, then they get out of the car. I wait till they get inside, then I head to work.

I arrived at work at 7:20. "Shit i'm late again" I curse under my breath while getting out of the car. I walk into the diner and I am hit with the demands from my boss, Eleanor Calder. "Get your ass in here Tomlinson, this is your fourth time being late this week" she yelled from her office. I walk into her office and she points to the seat, telling me to sit. I sigh because I know what's about to happen. "Louis, this is your fourth time being late this week, your hours are 7:15 to 1:15, I expect you to be here on time" she said sternly. I sigh and run my hands through my hair and take a deep breath before speaking. "I know and i'm trying to get here on time as much as I can but, I have four sisters to take care of and get to school every morning Ms. Calder" I say to her. "I don't care Tomlinson, one more mess up like this and i'll fire you, do you understand me" Ms. Calder said to me. I look down and just nod my head.

"Louis look at me" I look at her, "Now, I said do you understand me" she said to me again. "Crystal" I said sarcastically but, regretted it because I need this job. "Good, now get out of my office" I walk out of her office and walk over towards Perrie. She works as a waitress here at the diner. "Hey Louis" she said to me. "Hey Perrie" I said to her.

"So why's Eleanor all over your ass all of a sudden" she said to me. I sighed, shook my head, hunched my shoulders as to saying I don't know and I don't care. The day went by and it was pretty busy in the diner today, we had one of our good days today. I racked up over $500 dollars (Sorry just a lot of work to convert to Euro's, if you wanna know what $500 is in Euro's, the internet has it) . It was now 12:30 p.m. and I got a call.

"Hello is this Mr.Tomlinson" said a woman over the phone. "Yes this is him speaking and who may this be" I say into the phone. "I'm Mrs. Styles, the principal at your sister Charlotte School" Why would the girl's principal be calling me, I thought. "Um, Ok is she Ok" I begin to get nervous. "Um yes but, Mr.Tomlinson you're sister got into a fight" I quickly begin to be confused, Lottie has never got into a fight she's always happy, at least that's what I thought.

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