Chapter 10

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Dr.Styles POV(In OR 6 hours into First Lady Bartley Surgery)

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! The monitor beeps loudly signaling that we are losing First Lady Bartley by the minute, "Alright, change of plans people" I say to my surgery team. "We're losing her fast and we can only save one, so Dr.Shepard can you go ask President Bartley who he wants to save?" I ask Dr. Shepard the last part. 

Dr. Shepard POV

"Excuse me are you the medic that was responding to the code yellow earlier" I ask a guy, that look like the guy that brought the First Family into the ER earlier. 

"Yeah, that's me, the name's Tomlinson-  Louis Tomlinson" He says to me while shaking my hand. "Oh, thank, do you know where the President was taken to?" I ask him. "Um, no why do you need him?" He asks me. 

"Uh, yeah there's a choice that has to be made, we can only save one either the baby or the First Lady" I say to him. He sighs "Um, hold on...Wallace!!!" He yells the last part. A guy in an EMT Jacket comes over to us. "Yeah, Louis" He says. "Dr. Shepard want's to know where they took the President earlier" Louis says. "Oh, they took him to ICU after he got out of surgery" Wallace says to us. 

"Ok, Thanks" I say to Wallace and make my way to ICU. I get to ICU and walk into The President's room. "Um, Mr. President are you up?" I ask. "Yes, I'm up come in" He says to me in a sloppy voice. 

"We hit a problem in the OR with your wife and baby Mr. President" I say and he begins to sit up. "What kind of problem Doctor?" He asks me. "It has come down to the choice of do you choose to keep your Baby or your Wife, the health of both and the induce blood will not allow us to keep both alive" I say to him and I can clearly see he's trying to take all of this in. 

"Um, Um....." He stall's for about 10 mins. "I'm sorry Mr. President but, I need an answer fast" I say then my pager goes off. Beep! Beep! Beep! "What's that?" He asks with a confused look on his face. "Dr. Styles just paged me, a code blue meaning your wife is dying at the very moment we speak, we need you to make a decision sir"  I say quickly. 

"Ok, my wife, PLEASE" He says and I run out of the ICU back to the OR. I run in and Dr. Styles and Dr. Grey are trying to keep the baby and First Lady stable for as long as they can. "Stop, he says safe his wife" I say to them. 

Dr. Styles POV


I make a cut to start the C-Section. Then, I take the bovie to clear up the excess blood. I then retract the skin with the retractor, take out the baby and cut the Umbilical Cord. I then give the baby to the Nurse so she can keep it stable as much as possible. 

"Alright, let's save this lady" I say. "Alright, give me some suction, keep the VP stable" I say to the nurse. About, 2 more hours of surgery on the First Lady and we got her stable enough to close her up and bring her back to ICU on Life Support. 

After we get the First Lady into her ICU room, I go to the President's room to fill him in. "Is she alive please, tell me she's alive" President Bartley says as soon as I walk into the room. "Um, yes Mr. President your wife is alive but, she's in a deep induced coma" I say to him. His sighs and grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. "So.....The Baby, did it make it" I say. 

"Actually, that's where I'm heading to" I tell him, standing up and letting his hand go.  I walk out of the room and to get the chart for Niall from the Nurse. 

Niall POV

I sit staring out Zayn on his hospital bed, he just admitted to still loving me. "Wha- What, Zayn you can't just go around saying that now" I said to him, still shocked. "Yeah, I know Niall but,  I just had to say it" He says to me. "BUT, ZAYN YOU CHEATED!!!" I yell. "I'm sorry Niall, I'm truly deeply sorry, believe me I fucked up the best thing that ever happnened to me" He says. "Damn right you did" I say to him.

Just Making It (Larry-Niam,Ziall-Nouis)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum