3.2 What If I Command It?

Start from the beginning

"That seems like cheating."

A wind fluttered past her neck as Cassandra dramatically flipped her hands over so that she could see how ridiculous Aurelie's statement was to her. "Cheat! For the sake of the kingdom and everyone who cares for you, cheat!"

Aurelie smiled. "Those seem to be dropping like flies these days. I wouldn't connect them with myself more than they already are. For safety reasons." A little at a time, she would get herself back. The fear and grief were slowly turning into anger. She felt her power twist and turn inside her like the cautious sway of a cat's tail.

Cassandra lightly slapped the top of her head. "If this atmosphere gets any darker in here, the crows will start making a nest outside your window."

"I was joking," she said and rethought the truth in her comment, shaking her head from side to side with her lip curled up. "Well, mainly, that is."

"At least you've moved on from wearing black." Cassandra dipped the scissors into the tub of water and stirred it.

"I'm not allowed to," Aurelie said simply. "We weren't wed. Just as well, he would have thought it trivial. I wore it in here because it fit my mood." She smiled.

Cassandra moved to face Aurelie. "Sounds like a smart lad." She moved a strand of hair behind Aurelie's ear and squinted. "Well, that's the best it's going to get."

Aurelie turned to the mirror and burst out laughing. "I look ridiculous."

"I told you not to cut it so short."

Aurelie held onto her stomach. "There should be a law to disallow people with wavy hair to cut it above the shoulder." The water didn't help. It looked as if a camel spit on her, a cow licked her and a gust of wind slightly puffed it up. "Very well, let me be an example to those who planned to try the style."

"I can assure you that you are the only one who had that plan," Cassandra said smugly, raising a brow. "You better defend me when this cut costs me my work. If you only let me make it a little longer..."

Dragging her fingers into her hair, Aurelie shook them to gain some volume. "I'll tell them all that it was my idea. The King's been walking on eggshells around me. I would pay to hear his thoughts on my sanity when he sees this."

Cassandra laughed. "He'll warn the guards to stand around your bed as you sleep and ban all sharp objects from the castle."

"Oh, it isn't that bad, is it?"

"No, dear girl, it is worse. And you had the loveliest hair!" Cassandra stood behind Aurelie watching her reflection in the misty mirror. She couldn't look more horrified with the outcome if she tried. "Just the other day I heard a group of ladies talk about how beautiful our Princess is."

Aurelie rolled her eyes. "It'll grow back." The last time she had a meaningless conversation... Well, she couldn't remember when, but the morning was as close to perfect as it could be. Her new haircut might have been tedious, but the ache in her heart came to a pause for a glorious moment and it was all she could hope for.

"Hmm." Cassandra pondered, with her hand on her chin. Her finger rose up to touch her nose. "Maybe a large crown..."

Aurelie heard her shuffle through boxes moments later. It's not that bad. Bending down, she shook her head and flipped her head back. She actually quite liked it. Not a popular style at the castle, but she wasn't positively popular either. It fit.

"Here," Cassandra came back in with golden crown that vined like a matured bush. Small rubies clung to spiky ends. It reminded Aurelie of the berries she survived on, on her way out of the Dead Wood. Funny how such little things could ignite her memories.

"It's perfect," Aurelie said as Cassandra place it on her head.

When Aurelie stopped ogling herself, she noticed that the sole of Cassandra's shoe had come undone. She walked over to one of the tall shelves that displayed her new shoe collection and picked out a pair with the smallest heal and a modest, black leathered design. "Here you go." She held the shoes out for Cassandra.

Cassandra flung her arms up to her hips. "Now, when I said clothe the poor, I didn't mean me. I can very well buy my own shoes, thank you very much."

"I didn't mean to imply..." Aurelie's widened. "I'm so sorry. I saw your sole—and I have so many." Truth was, Aurelie had more things than she would ever wear. It wasn't charity but a gift. The woman possessed the craft of making Aurelie feel again. No, was not going to be an option. "What if I command it?" Aurelie raised her chin and channeled Alorah's commanding stare.

"Well," Cassandra grinned. "I couldn't go against my future queen's wishes." The shoes on her feet flew in different directions. Aurelie put the pair down beside Cassandra's feet and helped her put them on.

"Oh! Did you feel the quality of this leather? My house probably costs less." She looked up at Aurelie.

"Mine did too once."

"I keep forgetting that you're more like us than them."

No one could have given her a better compliment. "And I will never forget that I am."

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