Chapter 2

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Since Maka was gone I had nothing to do. It was too hot to stay inside but not hot enough outside. I might as well just call Black*Star. He could find us something to do. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Star's number. The phone rang three times before going to an automated message. "The number you have dialed does not exist. Please hang up and try dialing again." Does not exist? What's that supposed to mean. I tried dialing it again, but the same message came. I sighed. Maybe he closed the number. I decided to call Kid, he would have something to do. "The number you have dialed does not exist. Please hang up and try dialing again." What was going on? I tried dialing a few more of my friends and all they lead to the same message. Why didn't any of these numbers work? I looked down at my phone. What if there's something wrong with it? "I wonder..." I quickly dialed Maka's number. She picked up on the second ring. "Yes?" I smiled slightly. "I don't even get a hello? That's rude you know." Now I know its not my phone. So what's the problem? "What do you want Soul?" She said, a sassy tone in her voice. "I was just checking up. Making sure you're okay. That's how I show I care. You could try the same thing." She snorted. "I'm fine. I'm almost to the meeting spot. There's no need to worry about. I'll talk to you later. I love you." I sighed. "I love you too. Bye." I hung up. I tossed my phone on the cushion next to me. If Maka's number was the only one that worked, what happened to everyone else?

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