"Hey this dress is cute," I said as I picked the dress that I landed on up. Gwen and Courtney looked at it and smiled, I quickly went into the dressing room and tried it on.

Gwen's POV
"You know Gwen, if you need some cash, to you know, pay for that dress, just tell me and I'll be happy to help look for someone who will donate to you." Heather laughed as she sashayed away. I rolled my eyes and held up my dress, admiring it.

"Just ignore her." Courtney said softly.


"Tell me why we're doing this again?" I asked the blonde sitting in the taxi next to me. I looked out the window and saw that we had arrived.

"Because we need to score some popularity points?" Bridgette rhetorically replied back. She looked at Courtney who was playing with her hair. Looking as terrified as I was. "Oh cheer up girls, tonight we'll be parting with the older kids, maybe someone will put it on our grave when we die."

"Oh of course, here lies Gwen, Bridgette, and Courtney, known for partying their Muskoka asses off." I replied.

"Exactly." She replied back.

The car door immediately flew open and Bridgette came out, pulling me out with her. I turned to look but Courtney was still in the car. And we, we were at the front door already stopped by Jose.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" He asked.

"Great plan Bridge, walk in, get caught, walk out."

"Hey how was I supposed to know he was gonna be out here?" She immediately replied back.

"Again I ask, what are you two-

"Guys don't leave me by myself," Courtney said as she stepped next to us. I caught a glimpse at Jose who was blushing and basically drooling over the Latina, Bridgette looked at me and we both knew what was going on.

"Come on ladies, it looks like we can't party on, Courtney, say bye to Jose, please." Bridgette said with a smirk. Courtney looked at us, confused and unsure of what was going on.

"What's the rush? It's a party, come in, have fun, Courtney!" He continued, "I mean ladies, ladies." Bridgette and I looked at each other and smirked at our accomplishment. I can't believe this guy likes Courtney though. We went into the house and looked around.

Courtney's POV
People were swinging on chandeliers, throwing drinks around, dancing to some type of song I never knew existed, it was outrageous. I looked around and saw that I was by myself, Gwen and bridge nowhere to be seen.

"Wonderful." I said softly, as if anyone can hear me with this music blasting.

Gwen's POV
I walked upstairs and looked at all of the room doors, choosing the one I'll be saying in to get away from society. I looked at the left room door and opened it unsure of what I'd see on the other side. To my surprise, nothing.

I sat on the bed and looked at the ceiling, wondering why I was even here, then I remembered.


"What about her?"
I quickly sat up and saw a familiar face standing by the door.

"Hey, you scared me." I said softly.

"My bad, wait, what are you doing here alone?" He asked.

"Avoiding chitchats with people.

"And how's that working out for you?"

"Well? Here I am, chit chatting with you." I said as I snickered. "What are you doing here?"

"Too much people in one room for me, besides, I really wanna play my guitar and be able to hear it." He said. I looked at the instrument, it had a number nines plastered all over it, along with his shirt.

"I've been meaning to ask you," I said, "Do you have a weird fetish for the number nine?"

He looked at me and started laughing historically, "Of course not" he rubbed the back of his neck and continued, "When I was little my grandfather gave me this toy train, right before he died one of the wheels fell off so there was only nine, I was devastated, and then my mom told me nine was now my lucky number."

It was awkwardly silent after that, I didn't know what to say. "I'm really sorry."

"Don't worry about it," he said with a smile. "By the way, I really like that dress on you." He commented. I immediately blushed.

"Hey why don't you play your guitar, i bet it would be better than what's playing downstairs." I said with a smile.

"Sure, why not" he begun to strum the strings and the sound of the guitar filled the room with delight.

Bridgette's POV
"Bridge, what's up dudette?" Geoff said.

I looked at the cute blonde and smiled, I knew he would be at this party, he never misses a party, it's the only reason why I came here to be honest. "Oh hey Geoff, what's up?" I asked.

"Not much, wanna dance?" He asked, without letting me answer he grabbed my hands and pulled me to the dance floor, we both begun to dance.

"Dude you totally dance like a guy!" He shouted out. I looked at him angrily, what was that supposed to mean?


"I mean, you dance like a freak!" He said wildly. I immediately slapped him and walked off, angrier.

Courtney's POV
"What did I do?" Geoff asked as held his cheek.

"Maybe next time you don't call a girl a guy and freak in one sentence or at all." I said softly as I rolled my eyes. The party animal quickly ran after her, and again I was left alone.

"Watch it." I heard a deep voice said as we both fell to the floor. I looked up, holding my now hurting head and saw the delinquent himself. He looked at me angrily then quickly changed his expression to a smirk.

"Well hello there, Barlow."

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