Only passing one stop sign, she made it in six minutes. Usually it takes ten, she feels very accomplished about that. She turns her car off, rushing up the stairs and finds Lauren exiting Ally's apartment. Wow, Ally wasn't kidding when she said she would distract her until she arrived. Thanking Ally mentally, she called out Lauren's name, who instantly locked eyes with her after she did.

"Y/N? I thought you said you were going to catch up–"

"I lied." Y/N laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck as she glanced around the hall. She walked towards the older girl, smiling as she said,"I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise?" Lauren quirked her eyebrow, clutching her keys in her hand, debating on shoving it into her pocket."Does this surprise involve me having to be out of my apartment?"

Y/N pretended to think it through, squinting her eyes for effect before nodding."Yup. It does." She nodded frantically, which earned a giggle from the green eyed girl. Lauren smiled, putting her keys away, then gesturing Y/N to show her the way."You're gonna need a change of clothes though."

Furrowing her eyebrows, Lauren questioned,"Huh? What for?"

"You don't want to be wearing the same clothes from yesterday when I drop you off tomorrow at the bus." Y/N commented, only confusing Lauren even more. But Lauren went into her apartment anyway, searching for some change of clothes as Y/N leaned against the wall outside of her apartment. She is now realizing her nerves, her heart was beating faster than it should and she's worrying about that too. But before she could go full panic mood, Lauren exited her apartment with a bag of clothes.

"Okay, I'm ready."

It was like everything else she was worrying about vanished when Lauren smiled at her. Lauren's smile could work miracles, just ask Y/N. Because now, she isn't worried about the surprise or the class she will be missing tomorrow. All that matters now, is her and Lauren, Lauren and the surprise. Lauren.


"Our secret place?" Lauren glanced out the window, leaning back in her seat to look at Y/N. She looked at her questionably,"This is your surprise?" She asked, sounding a little disappointed.

Y/N chuckled,"It's up on the roof. Come on." She grabbed Lauren's bag, getting out of the car and waited for Lauren in front of her car. Lauren exited the car, looking up at the building like she was hoping she could see what was on the roof. Lauren wasn't a big fan of surprises, but she was really excited for this one for some reason.

Maybe it's because this surprise is from Y/N, it's a thought that crossed her mind as they walked up the stairs together. Another thought was, maybe because anything she does with Y/N is exciting to her. Lauren doesn't know, all she knows is, when she does things with Y/N–even if it's as simple as walking in the park– she gets excited. She loves doing things with Y/N, because she always learns something new about her when she does. The younger girl is like a walking wikipedia, Lauren even told her that. Y/n can tell you a fun fact about anything she comes across–okay, maybe not literally but she can tell you something new about what they are currently going to do.

"Surprise." Y/N said hesitantly, her nerves growing as she watches Lauren step forward, towards the bed in the center. She rocks back and forth on her feet, watching the green eyed girl turn around to face her."Stargazing. We spoke about it once. You said you would like to do it one day–night– and I've done it several times but alone. So I thought why not bring a bed up and..." she started rambling, and Lauren found it really cute because she saw the way her face contorted with concentration as she explained her reason behind this surprise.

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