Another day begins

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"Now that I think about it, I could ask her about it," she said.

"That's great," Sohma said but then he noticed that the girl was gone. She wasn't at his or (Y/n)'s side, inside the room or anywhere in the hallway.

"Where's the kid?" they both looked around but she had disappeared.

With Hyosuke, he was on his way to the stables to help out with Mizuki with taking care of the horses. Though he decided to go first since Mizuki still needed to finish his last report to Yoshitsune before taking care of them. Hyosuke thought he should do it slowly so Mizuki would have the chance to take care of them after he came back. Just as he was about to reach the stables he notices a black figure standing just outside. The figure was small of course and then he realized that the figure was covered in a black hood and the height was a child. Curious, Hyosuke walks over to them.

"Hey!" he exclaims making the girl jump and she quickly turns around to face him. 

"Oh! Sorry, did I scare you?" he asks and she only made an angry look to glare at him. Apparently, for her, weirdoes have been popping up out of nowhere and scaring her. 

"So what are you doing? Did you come here to check the horses?" he asked with a playful smile on his face that managed to convince her to respond with a small nod.

"Really!? Why don't we check the horses then? I was about to take care of them anyways so wanna join me?" he offers her. The girl looked like she wanted to as she kept looking over at the horses at the stables. But putting her hand to her chest and clutching it, she shook her head.

"What? Why not? Come on!" Hyosuke then suddenly grabbed her hand and dragged her forcefully towards the stables. 

Shocked, the girl tried to break away from his grip and suddenly the horses in the stables started going wild by screeching and stomping their hoofs.

"Wha-?" Hyosuke let go of her and quickly rush over to calm the horses, giving the chance for the girl to escape into the forest alone. 

"H-hey! Calm down!" he petted one of the horse's snouts but all them were in a complete panic.

Just then, Mizuki appeared with a shock expression "What happened!?" he yelled at Hyosuke. 

"I-I don't know! They just went crazy!" Hyosuke shouted back but without another word they tried their best calming down all the horses in the stables.

Kazemasa was making his way back to the mansion, after sending a letter to a nearby village from Yoshitsune, by sending Jasper in the forest. Jumping from tree to tree, he scanned the area he was in but as soon as he passed by a large tree he found the girl crouching on the floor and stopped on a thick branch. Looking down, the girl's had her hood off her head, revealing her white hair and she was crouching on the floor as if she was looking for something. 

"What are you doing here?" Kazemasa said from there and the girl quickly turned around while covering back her head again.

 He looked down at where she was crouching and realized they were both at the spot where Hyuga and (Y/n) found her. He knew this since Yoshitsune told him and a few others to investigate here to find out what happened when she was still unconscious.

"What are you looking for?" he asked as the girl had a painful expression on her face. She must be in trouble for coming here.

"If you don't have anything to say then we might as well go back. It's dangerous to be out here alone," he walked over to the girl to pull her up but she refused and pulled away from him.

"What are looking for?" his tone was now stricter from annoyance but he really needed to get the girl back. 

The girl hesitated but she held out her hand that had a black shard on her palm. Kazemasa bends down to her height and took the shard, looking at it a bit closer. He didn't recognize the shard of course but a black shard. Then he remembered something about Sohma saying that Hyuga found some black shards on the girl's hand and put it in a pouch. 

He looked at the girl who was making a face that looked like she was about to cry but she really was trying her best not to.

"Hey girl," Kazemasa called out to her and she looked straight at him.

"A comrade of mine found something that probably belongs to you. We can go back and I could ask him to give you the pouch," her eyes widen when he said that and Kazemasa could've sworn he heard a tiny 'Yes!' from the girl's lips. 

He stood up and they decided to walk back to the mansion. They walked side by side but he noticed she was staring at him the whole time.

"What is it?" he asked her but the girl looks away.

"Nothing," she muttered as they continued walking. 

She probably was looking at his face that had a scar on one of his eyes so he must have looked terrifying to her. Not only that but with his katana at his side must be even more intimidating.

Looking down at the girl he realized that she didn't wear any shoes. If she came that far into the forest just to search she could've at least wore (Y/n)'s shoes. Then again, that might be stealing and she was already dressed as a thief. But to be going out alone when this forest is dangerous to search, whatever she was looking must have been valuable to her.

"What?" the girl finally spoke realizing that he was staring at her the whole time. 

"Nothing, sorry..." he said and continued to walk on.

They finally arrived at the mansion and as soon as Kazemasa slides the door open, the girl ran off inside in a hurry. Kazemasa couldn't help but scratch his head awkwardly as he watched where she ran off too. Then he sighs thinking he probably has scared her.

A Family's Happiness (Destiny Ninja Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora