Chapter two

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"Hazel, wake up!" I think it's my mum shaking me awake.

"What time is it?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

"Five thirty"

Five thirty? Five fugging thirty? She can't seriously be serious! Can she?

I roll out of bed and see that mum has placed one of her dresses on the end of my bed. It was of the one they wish that I stil wear, you know the 'respectable' ones that come down past your knees and has frilly sleeves. 

"I'm not wearing that" I shake my head

"Yes you are Hazel, no arguments" She walks off. 

If she seriously thinks i'm wearing that she is going to get a suprise when I walk down those stairs dressed normally. I'm never going to wear thise sort of close again, not after i've endured all those years. I have a reputation to upheld and I cannot be seen in that dress. So I get dressed in a black dress, although it's not has tight or short as my others, and I don't put that much make up on. I put my hair in a pony tail and make sure that its straightened. I check myself out in the mirror, I look sophicsticated. My buzzes:

I cannot sleep! Send me a photo of your ugly bible dress ha-ha. 

I take a photo and send it to her

Mother is going to get a suprise that i'm not wearing one. ha-ha. Just wait until i see her face. 

She replied:

I wish i was there ;) u look hot babe! totally rocking the new style. Have fun x

I'm ready to face my mothers wrath about the clothes i'm wearing. I go down stairs and into the kitchen where I know they'll be. My mother's jaw drops "What do think you're wearing" She says utterly surprised, maybe even a little hurt. "I know this stuff means a lot to you, but it doesn't mean anything to me. I'm never dressing like that,"  I point to an old photo of me "Again, and i'm sorry if that hurts you, but i'm here aren't I?" 

I could tell my mother blinked back some tears "You really don't care do you? Sometimes I ask why must my only child be one of the devil? You are very mean to me Hazel. Fine, if you do not wish to dress like that than atleast do what I say today, it's the least you can do?"

Least I can do? No, the least I can do is go back to sleep than go to school. But no, i'm awake at dawn to do something she knows I cannot stand and I don't even get a thank you? 

"Breakfast is on the table, help yourself Hazel" Mum says before walking off. Well that was better than I expected. The programme for today was on the table so I had a look at it. Seriously? Why do I need to be here for this? The whole service is the same he does everyday! 

"Mum," I yell. I hear her running down the stairs "Why do I even have to come? It's the same as every fugging service you do!" 

"Your father and I thought it'd be nice to have you here for a change" She looked confused. 

"You really don't know me at all do you?," She does to respond but I stop her "Don't even bother" I run up to my room. 

The stupid service started at 8am, even though I got woken up at 5 30am. My father asked me to come up to the alter and say a prayer and I just looked at him as if to say 'Are you serious right now?' But he semmed to learn because he didn't look at me again. I turned my phone back on once I got back up to my room - My mother made me turn it off- and I had three messages from Steph

Omg! guess what?

Seriously Hazel, you're missing out!

Seeing as though you're not going to reply. There is the most hotttttttttttest guy here that transferred from Laguna! He is so hot. Hurry up and get your bum back to school. I'm coming around to later, i'm going to ditch ;)

Having a new guy at school doesn't really bother me because he won't see past Stacy and Cleo, Even though they're not there. Two weeks and they'll be all over each other gaurrentee it. I texted back:

Yay? haha. Met me at the beach in half an hour? Need to get out of this place.

She replied instantly

 Sure thing babe. go 2 usual spot. see u then xo 

I get into my swimmers and go to the beach. I get there about ten minutes early, and the beach is nearly deserted, only me and a few surfers are here. When Steph arrives she has the biggest smile on her face. "What?" I ask. "The new boy said hello to me! like oh my god! I had to fan myself down" she fans herself down. "Anyway, how was your day?"

"My day? My day was boring, shit and stupid, seriously, all it was was a normal service but they thought that it'd be nice to have me there" I pulled a face, "Yours?" 

"It was amazing! I invited the new guy to sit with us tomorrow, although every girl in the school most likely did too' Does he have a name? I thought. And as if she could read my thoughts she added "I don't know his name, I never really asked" She shrugged. 

The next day I wake up and go to school. Just as we reached the school gate Steph started to hyperventilate and I swear she screamed a little too. "That's him over there'" she said pointing to a guy. He was beautiful, with his blond hair. Well, it wasn't really really blond more of a blondy- caramel colour it was gorgeous and it really went with his tan. That's all the detail I can really notice being so far away. I kept my head down as we walked by, he was standing by himself next to his car, propably waiting for the girl thats already snagged him up. 

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