Chapter seven

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5 years ago

Angelique walked hand in hand with Zaxin the summer morning still fresh on the beach. A misty effect far in the distance, behind them a little boy was laughing while running around an young woman with brown hair was playing with him. Zaxin stared back into the distance infront of him. A smirk visible on his face. The two young teenagers were inlove and young, so innocent and free. Free from sin.  "You look beautiful" Zaxin thought out loud. Angelique had a sudden blush on her face and emediatly tried to hide it.  He loved it when she blushed. So he stopped and grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her softly, to her it was as if the world had stopped at that moment. Her stomach turning and her head spinning. To him that feeling was mutual.    The little boy fell and started to cry. Zaxin pulled back and looked over  Angeliqe's shoulder to baby Duncan sitting on the sand crying.     Angelique turned her gaze away from Zaxin knowing he wanted to run over to his son.      "Go" she said simply biting back on the tears.  Zaxin gave a sad smile to Angelique and ran over to where his son sat crying and his mom trying to shush the little one. A Single tear slid down Angelique's cheek and she glansed back into the distance, as the misty fog got closer by the minute.

5 years later.....

Zaxin stared at Angelique, who was only 5 years ago a girl, now a young woman of 19. He himself no longer a 17 year old boy but a 22 year old man. He gave off a frustrating sigh and let go. Angelique saw what his intentions was and moved out of the way but Zaxin was too quick and pinned her against the wall. He stared at her and she at him. Suddenly tears dwelled up in her eyes.  The walls of her heart was busy breaking apart around him.  The memories came back.  The reality sunk in.   And before she knew it she was crying.   "Why?" She whispered.    He stared at the woman infront of him. Not sure how to respond. He wanted to kiss her just there on the moment. He never saw her break like this. Like the way she broke infront of him on that moment.   "We were just so young" he barely got out.  "No you were old enough to make your own desisions. I was the kid! I was the stupid one! Thinking that someone with a child could love me!" It took everything Zaxin had to turn away. He grabbed a hand full of hair and gripped it. Clensing his free one in a fist.    *why is it so hard to explain to you?*    "Why did you leave?"   *Because Sandra needed to sign*   "why did you leave?" She asked  again this time being the one to step closer.  *maybe because I needed you to grow up good, to have a normal life*    Angelique placed her hand on his bicep and turned his tensed body around.   "Why?" She asked again this time looking straight in his eyes.   With a sigh he started. "Back then I had  Duncan, he was..... never my own. It took two years for his mothers' mom to find me again. To finilize the adoption. Well for my mom to finilize it since I wasn't legal yet. So I had to go with mom to Mexico. That's where ......Sandra and her mom hid back then. I didn't want to leave. But I didn't want to take away some child's mom unnecacery. So I went to check it out myself. Sandra is the same age as I. She was raped by her boyfriend and her mom and my mom were friends. So being Duncan born , she didn't want him. She was too caught up in drugs. So her mom called mine and before I knew it I was given custady over him.  When I went down to Mexico.... Sandra didn't even live with her mother. She lived with some drug dealer. I went to talk to her and she.... she didn't even regognise me anymore... So yes. My mom signed. We got back and there on Duncan became my child." 

Angelique only stared at Sandra who was passed out on the coach. She was to blame for all of the drama. She was too blame for a life of hell.

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