chapter three

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Angelique found her dorm a little later on that day and turnes out to be empty , it looked perfect for her as she sunk into the single bed that stood beneath the window. She reminded herself to keep the blinds shut otherwise she'd be reminded by how little she has.

She lay on her bed thinking about her childhood how she and Zaxin used to play together as children, she didnt affored much and knew Zaxin threw her guardian who was friends with his parents. She remembered how comfortable she felt in his home, the happiness inside of her when his mom spend hours talking to her, or his stepdad who was always caring and understandable. He used to make desisions with his head and not his heart. Angelique still remembered how Zaxin stepdad told her that if you make a desision with your heart it's not always nessasarely the right desision to make because you only think about what you want on that moment.   Angelique shook her head to herself and got up as soon as the siren went off, directing everyone that it was dinner time.

Heading towards the dining hall Angelique entered the double doors and all the students glared up at her in pause of what they were doing,  John stood up slowly remembering her face from some place. Now everyone turned back to their food everyone except for Zaxin who sat in the back of the cafeteria and Sandra who stood against the wall..
*what does John want with her?* Sandra wonderd while Zaxin's thoughts where only a misty one.

Angelique tuged the evil smirk on her face her eyes oy focused on John infront of her now. The broad shoulderd guy crossed his arms infront of him smirking widely as he looked down at Angelique. "Well if it isnt the little bee" he said to her. "Big bear" she replied in a mocking tone. Then steped passed him and walked to a empty table. 

Zaxin stared at Angelique, then at John. Unable to figure out the puzzle. But he tended to find out. And right at that moment Johns' eyes met his and sent him a wink.

"Little Bee?" John asked through the taste of blood in his mouth. He hung from chains on his wrist in some garage. Zaxin sat infront of him on a chair.  "Angelique Cats." Zaxin said with venom, he hated the fact that John had a petname for her.   John started laughing histirically and spit blood in Zaxin's face. Zaxin calmly wiped the blood of his cheek and stood up. John suddenly felt the fear rose in his stomach as he saw Zaxin take the baseball bat out of a cuboard.

Angelique lay on her bed headphones blurting music into her ears. She slightly tapped her hand on her tigh to the beat. Suddenly she was jerked off the bed. Sandra took a handfull of her hair as she layd on the floor and dragged her into the hallway.

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