Chapter 11

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Lucy P.O.V

As soon as I saw Happy I darted in to a nearby ally and tried to shrink down as much as I could. I knew as well as everyone else that where Happy was, Natsu wasn't far behind. I panicked and went further in to the ally hoping there would be a better place to hide. As I kept walking I suddenly heard an all too familiar voice call out my name. Why couldn't they understand that I obviously didn't want to be found? I looked up behind me and saw Happy flying towards me. I sighed and waited for the blue exceed to reach me. Once he got to me he said, "Why did you leave Lucy? We are all worried about you and I was afraid you were gone forever!" He then flew in to my arms and started crying, "I thought you were gone forever Lucy! Please don't tell me you are! It's not the same without you! Natsu isn't the same! Please come back!" Guilt spread through me and I felt bad knowing that the little cat hadn't done anything wrong to drive me away. Technically no one deserved this not even Natsu. I then realized I had done it again, I had run not wanting to deal with the problems. I did it with my dad and now I was doing it to the ones that loved me most.

"I am sorry happy. I should have at least said something. None of you deserved to feel worried about me. I was coward and didn't want to face my problems, I promise I wasn't going away forever!" as I said that I realized that running was not how I was going to do this I needed to face my problem. I am sure that Natsu felt bad and honestly I loved Natsu so much that I was willing to forget about the kiss so that he could be happy with that girl. Happy looked up at me and said, "please come back Lucy!" I gave him a sympathetic smile and said, "of course," Happy smiled through his tears and burrowed his head back in to my stomach.

I told him to go back to the guild and tell everyone I would be coming back. He nodded and flew away. Goodness with all the people I was sending to fairy tail to relay information they were probably confused. Loke was telling them I wasn't coming back for a while, while Happy was about to tell them I was coming back. Surely they would understand I had a change of heart. I quickly went to the hotel and gathered my things. As I walked towards the train station a familiar question popped in to my head; when I had met Natsu how was it that he broke the charm spell for me but not for anyone else? For some reason ever since I came to Hargeon I suddenly wondered. I had never really thought anything of it at the time being and why it all of a sudden was consuming my thoughts beat me but now I wanted answers. I decided to ask Levy once I got back.

As I reached the train station I reached in to my bag and pulled out just enough jewel for the train ticket; I needed to go on a mission for more money. As I stepped on to the train I wondered what I would say to Natsu. I was a person that liked to plan things out. There were times I would picture a whole monologue between me and someone else in my mind and I couldn't help but get frustrated when the person strayed from the monologue even though it was impossible for them to read my mind. I decided to tell Natsu to just forget about the kiss and that it was just an accident anyways then I would start trying to move one from him. Who knows how but I know that I need to let him be happy even if it kills me.

As soon as the train stopped I jumped up to get out. I needed to drop my things off before I went to the guild. I saw the sun dipping low in the sky and decided I would just drop by before going to bed so they would at least know I was back. As I walked down the familiar streets I wondered if things could ever go back to normal between Natsu and I. I mean knowing Natsu he would probably forget within the five seconds I told him to forget but I know it will haunt me for a long time.

I was jerked out of my thoughts as I saw Natsu walking down the street. I panicked and ducked inside a store. When I walked inside I face palmed; here I was yet again avoiding my problems! What is wrong with me?! I thought about it and really I am not, I am just preparing myself and I am simply not ready to face them yet. yeah. I peeked out the window as a couple customers glanced over at me thinking I was some immature kid playing hide and seek. Judgmental people, maybe I am playing hide and seek! I kind of am but what do they care!

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