Chapter 10

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Natsu P.O.V

As soon as I woke up I jumped out of bed and hurriedly got ready to go to the guild. I quickly woke up Happy and told him we could eat at the guild. We ran out of the house and started our walk to Fairy Tail. On the way there Happy started to slow. He looked troubled so I asked, "everything okay Happy?"

"What if Lucy never comes back?" I have him a sympathetic look and assured him that Lucy would come back. I just knew it. He gave me a sad smile and we continued on to Fairy Tail. When we got there Erza was already telling everyone of how Lucy was missing. I walked up beside her when Lisanna came up to me and said, "Who is Lucy?" I looked down at her before saying, "She is a celestial wizard. She came a couple years after you left," she nodded and turned to go talk to Mira. I wanted Lucy by my side. It just didn't feel right without her there; I felt something missing inside of me with Lucy gone. When Erza was done explaining I asked what the plan was. She looked over at me then over at Happy and said, "Right now we aren't sure where Lucy is, so I have decided that Happy will fly to nearby towns and look for Lucy there after that I am not sure where to look," I saw a deep sadness in Erza's eyes and I knew Lucy's disappearance was just as hard on her as it was on me.

After Happy left to go fly over the nearby towns everyone went back to what they normally do each day except for me. I just couldn't shake the idea that because of me Lucy had decided to leave. Hopefully not for good, I needed her to hear me out first; I needed to tell her how I felt as soon as I saw her. I was sitting at the bar drinking some fire whiskey when Loke walked in. A sliver of hope ran through my body as I thought maybe he knew where Lucy was. Before I could get to him though Erza was already right in front of him asking where Lucy was. He looked at us all in confusion and asked, "Lucy isn't here?" I got up and walked over to him suddenly anger coursing through my whole body.

He had to know where Lucy was, "No she's not or why would we ask you?!"

"I don't know!"

"Well just tell me where she is and nobody will get hurt!"

"I don't know where she is!"

"Well go find her! You are her spirit right?!"

"Well yes but why don't you use your sense of smell to find her?"

"DON"T YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE TRIED THAT ALREADY?!", I grabbed his shirt and lifted him up when Erza pushed me over, "Natsu get a hold of yourself!" I looked over at her then glared at Loke before sitting down and letting Erza do her thing. Erza talked to him and asked him to at least ask Lucy why she had left and to make sure she was okay. He agreed and disappeared. I pouted at the bar after wanting have beaten him up for his ignorance. I sulked at the bar for a while when Mira walked up to me. She looked at me for a while as if analyzing me before saying, "Natsu what happened? Everything was going great. Lucy was even planning on confessing to you. Why did she leave?"

"because she saw me kissing Lisanna", I said simply. Mira gasped and her eyes went wide in shock, "poor Lucy....I can only imagine the pain she is feeling. Did you want Lisanna to kiss you?"

"No, she just confessed that she loved me and kissed me when i finally pulled away I saw Lucy looking at us. She looked so torn and before I could say anything she ran off. I was going to go after her but Lisanna stopped me. She wanted me at the party and I decided I would apologize to Lucy after the party but I was too late," Mira had a sad smile on her face when she said, "That sounds like something Lucy would do, but there is one thing I know she would never do and that is just leave for good without telling someone or at least the master so he could remove her guild mark. She will be back,"

"how are you so sure? She left her home and didn't go back until her dad used force," at this Mira gave me a hard look, "Natsu! Lucy loves fairy tail! She thinks of us as the family she never had and you know that! This is much different than her running away from her father who barely paid any attention to her!" I felt a stab at my heart feeling bad for saying that about Lucy. Before I could reply Loke reappeared in the middle of the guild. I looked up at him and felt hopeful when he said, "I know where Lucy is and why she left," he then gave me a glare and walked over to me before saying, "thanks to flame brain over here she left for a while. She told me not to tell you where she is but that she will be back in a months time and that she needs time to herself,"

Everyone looked at him confused for a moment before Erza asked, "what did Natsu do?"

"Lucy saw flame brain over here kissing someone else and I think I have an idea who it was. She is torn; she won't admit it but I can see it in her eyes. She is heartbroken thanks to your foolishness Natsu! You hurt her!" I got angry all of a sudden and said, "if you are so mad that I am the reason she left why don't you tell me where she is so I can fix this!" I ran up to him and punched him as hard as I could. He flew across the guild and hit the wall. Erza ran between us and said, "that is enough Natsu!" before I could reply though Happy came bursting through the guild doors yelling, "I found Lucy!"


Hope you like the update!(: thanks for reading!!!

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