Chapter 11- Your My Hero

Start from the beginning

complete stranger. This though causes me to get

somewhat a hold on my emotions. Without me even

knowing it Lana had got on the floor with me and was

rocking me.

When did she coming to me?

How long have I been out of it?

Looking up at her with tears in my eyes I tell her sorry and

try to stand. She pulls me back down and starts to rub my

back. Me being the person I am I start crying again, I've

never had anyone comfort me before. Th feeling is

comforting and I don't know I feel safe in her arms.

Acting on emotions solely I kiss her and pull away quickly.

She looks surprised but not angry so thats good. But

being unsure I try once again to move and this time she

lets me stand with no problem. Oh no I scared her away,

stupid emotions!

Starting to freak out I begin to pace back and forth. I just

blew it with s girl who could've been a great friend. I really

like what I do see so far when it comes to her, shes really

protective and kind. Hearing my name I don't answer at

first until the person shouts it.

Looking around I see Lana standing looking at me as I

keep pacing. Opening my mouth I start to apologize, only

to be cut off. You wanna know what it was that cut me

off? Well it was the most amazing thing ever, it was her

lips. She kissed me and that effectively shut me up.

I feel like someone threw me outside on a warm summer

night, its like little tangles running from my toes to my

head. I never felt anything like this with Anna, this must be

what love feels like. I know I haven't known her past 2

days but she in the two days I've known her has done

more for me then anyone in my life has. I don't know if this

feeling is love but I know I embrace it fully.

Pulling away breaking that breath taking kiss Lana starts

to speak.

Lana- wow

Me – yeah, my thoughts too

Lana – I've never done that before

Me – kissed someone? Or kissed a girl?

Lana - ( laughing a angelic laugh) Kissed a girl

Me – Did you like it? ( wanting to hear yes)

Lana – Yeah, but I don't know how I feel about it

Me – okay , so now what?

Lana – We can take it one day at a time, and for now you

need to go to the nurse?

Me – (starting to panic again) No! I'm fine

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now