chapter 13: assessment verdict and Shouji

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The several jounin and one chunin teacher that had just witnessed the fight between Asuma and the young beauty through the crystal ball seated atop of the Hokage's desk, were the least to say shocked at the display of skill that Saya had just shown.

The Hokage was quick to get out of his shock and was now narrowing his eyes in thought. He put the maroon tip of his pipe between his lips, thoughtfully dragging a big amount of smoke before releasing it slowly.

The Hokage's hooded eyes looked at the tall man with scars on his face that was looking impassively at the image of Saya and her interaction with the young genin and Asuma.

"Ibiki, " the Hokage began earning not only Ibikis attention but also the rest of the people around, including the silver haired father "what do you think about her skills? "

Ibiki stayed silent for a moment before he spoke, eyes still glued to the crystal ball.

"For a genin she has some powerful jutsus, especially the one which made her invisible. I've witnessed several similar techniques before but they were all based on genjutsu, a mere illusion to trick the mind of the enemy whilst hers was definitely not the case. If it was a an illusion we wouldn't have been affected by it as we aren't there to be thrown into the casted genjutsu, meaning that the technique she used was ninjutsu base which is nearly impossible-"

"It could be a kekei genkai " Kurenai interrupted.

Ibiki tore his gaze away from the small sphere and glanced at the new jounin before he returned his gaze to the ball.

"She said 'ninja art' meaning that it's a jutsu. Due to the low probability of such jutsu actually being possible it might be related to a kekei genkai. " he kept quiet for a second letting the information sink into the other spectators brains before continuing "That jutsu is incredible and if used in the right way at the right moment it could be a great weapon. "

"How so? " the Hokage asked.

"Asuma is a jounin. He might not be a sensory type ninja but he can sense chakra around him, especially if it's that close, yet he had no idea where the girl went. This jutsu is not only one that changes the physical composition of a person making them invisible but it also hides the chakra completely. In an infiltration , espionage or even an assassination mission this could be extremely useful. "

Murmurs erupted through the office.

"Also, " Ibiki continued making everyone quiet once again " she does know how to come up with battle strategies. When she threw the kunai before she used the water dragon it was intended to make him jump back and catch Asuma of guard. Or when she used the two clones to distract him so she could take ahold of the bells. She was one step ahead of him. She has a sharp mind that's for sure. "

Then Ibiki turned towards Kakashi, smirking deviously.

"You've got quite the brat there Kakashi"

Kakashi looked at him blankly before answering in his usual lazy tone.

"It seems so"

Just what exactly are you capable of ?
Who are you Saya Komodo?


Saya and her three new teammates were standing in front of Asuma, waiting for the jounin to speak.

He looked at them with sharp eyes taking in everyone's position. Chouji was munching on a bag of chips, small crumbles of the barbeque flavoured potato snacks were flying around him coating his shirt as well as falling onto his surroundings. Ino was standing next to him, looking at him with scrunched up nose and lips turned down in a scowl sowing her disgust towards the small crumbles that were navigating their way towards her. Shikamaru had his hands shoved down the pockets of his pants, his body was slightly leaning backwards in a lazy stance, his eyes trained on the clouds above him. Saya was merely looking at him blankly. Asuma actually felt like she wasn't even paying attention to him, zoning out instead.

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