chapter 6 : Special weapon and troubles

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Saya's POV.

We were walking through the busy streets of Kiri , people throwing wary and untrustful glances or glares towards the two Leaf jounin but no one tried to make any move on them as they saw me . I could feel the uncomfortableness coming from both of them as we were walking through different streets that led to our destination .

"Ugh Saya , where are we going now ?" Asuma asked . "To my house ." I said simply .

He didn't say anything else afterwards .

As we were walking I immediately spotted one of my favorite places to be in . I stopped and turned walking straight into the shop , a delicious and mouth watering smell lingering around us . I walked towards the counter , ignoring the two confused men that were walking after me into the small cozy shop . As I approached the counter , Tuski-san , an old lady that always wore a dark coloured simple kimono and had a big warm smile plastered on her face making the edges of her light brown eyes to crinkle with more wrinkles , looked up from the book she had been reading .

"Oh my ! Saya darling I've been waiting for you ! I was so worried when you didn't come yesterday ! " I gave her a close eyed smile . "I was on a .... trip you could say . There's no need to be worried I'm fine Tuski-san " She laughed softly "Well darling , would you like the usual ?" she asked me with her big aged smile " Actually a double of the usual " " Coming right up !" she got up fro her chair and disappeared behind the curtains that were behind her .

"What exactly are we doing here ?" Kakashi asked . I turned around and looked at them . I leaned with my back on the front desk and looked at them through hooded eyes . " Just getting something very essential for living " I said in a serious tone . They looked at each other and then back at me but before they could say anything else Tuski-san came back with a big white box in hand .

"Here you go Saya !" she said with her kind smile still on face . She put the box on the desk and pushed it towards me . I smiled gratefully and picked up the box not forgetting to pay and leave a tip . I turned around with the box in hand and motioned for the two males to come after me " Thanks Tuski-san !" I yelled over my shoulder .

I exited the shop and started heading towards my apartment complex which was just around the corner . I entered the building , box in hand and the two men following . I walked up the stairs of the old building , silence filling the chilly staircase . The old rusty stair handles made a squicky sound when I held to them for a moment to adjust the box in my hand.

"How rude ! They aren't even attempting to help a young lady in need !" the ghostly voice of Izuna rang in the quiet staircase , but I knew I was the only one that actually heard it and I expertly ignored it .

I continued to go up until I reached the fifth floor and walked down a corridor of which walls were an ugly yellow and brown spots decorated it here and there being caused by the moist air of the village . I stopped in front of my apartment door and started to search for my keys in my weapons pouch . When my fingers grasped the small cold metallic frame I swiftly pulled out the set of keys and opened the door entering the small and dark hallway of my apartment . Kakashi and Asuma walked in and I closed the door . I took off my shoes and walked into the small sitting room , lighting up the lights and walked over to the kitchen .

" Sorry for the intrusion " they both said as they walked into the kitchen after me . I placed the box on the small dinning table and looked at them . " Anything to drink ?" I asked casually . Kakashi shook his head while Asuma smile and said " a glass of water would be wonderful." I nodded and went to the sink after I took a glass and filled it with water . I went back and handed it to him . "Arigatou" he said .

They were both throwing curious glances at the white box that was sitting on the old wooden table . I went over to it and started to open it . They both leant towards it slightly looking curiously at it . As the lid started to come off I felt the sweet delicious smell that made my life just a little better. Both men sweatdropped when I took out the beautiful and most magnificent dango stick.

"Very essential for living ?" Kakashi said slowly. I threw him a sharp look.

"Of cours !"

Both men chuckled. I started walking out of the kitchen, still holding my precious dango. " Where are you going ?" Asuma asked. "To get my shit. Help yourselves." I said pointing towards the box.

I got out of the kitchen before they could say anything else, pulled my mask down and stuffed the whole thing in my mouth in one go. I threw the now empty stick on the small coffee table in the living room and continued my way down the hall where two doors were on the left and right . I opened the one on the right entering my room . I went straight to my dresser and got out a summoning scroll . I placed it on the bed and literally started to throw anything and everything inside . Clothes , some elastics, a comb , of course eyeliner ,books , an old chocolate ... etc. I finished rolling up the scroll when I heard footsteps coming towards my room . I got out closing the door to a now partially empty room and found the two men right in front of me.

"Already done?" Asuma asked .

"Not quite" I murmured.

I went to the door on the left and opened it . Inside was what I liked to call my playground . On the floor , in boxes on the walls inside and above the cabinets that filled the place were weapons. From kunai knives and shuriken to katanas , axes , swords and anything that you could think of.

"Woah!" One of the two behind me said.

"Pretty neat, huh." I said .

I unrolled another summoning scroll and put some of the weapons inside real fast . I rolled it back up and put both summoning scrolls in my pouch. Well there is one last thing I need to get . I went towards one of the cupboards on which something that was just slightly taller than me was hidden under a white blanket . I took off the blanket and revealed my faithful and most beloved weapon. A beautiful two sided axe , the long handle was smooth and slim and the two big blades that were parallel to each other were beautifully curved and very sharp. The whole thing was silver coloured but the blades had black designs on them .

I swiftly pulled it up and placed it on my back . When I turned around both men were looking at me with a somewhat wary look . I just rolled my eyes and walked pass them . Like I'd give a Fuck what they think.

"Are you gonna come or what ?" I called after them.

They hurried besides me murmuring something that I didn't understand nor did I want to.

"I've still got a few things to do before-" I didn't get to finish what I had to say before I heard the entrance door burst open with a loud cracking sound ,that will probably cost me a few hundred ryo may I add, and a loud screeching and desperate voice yelled "SAAAAAYYYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

I sighted deeply . Only one person could reach that high note without even trying. And right after that thought came across my mind I was immediately glomped by the said person. I looked upwards towards the sealing that was decorated by a few yellow spots.

Why me?

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