chapter 5 : Meeting with the Fifth Mizukage and her assistants

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[Saya's POV.] (omgggg finally XD)

After my amazing entry , it was dead silent . I knew that the two men one of which one was supposed to be my father were shocked and probably freaking out that we might all get killed but I was perfectly calm . It wasn't like it was the first time I've done that and Mei-sensei was already used to my weird ways of announcing my presence . The Fifth Mizukage , Mei Terumi as well as my beloved sensei and guardian looked at me with a stern looking face but knowing her for more than half of my life I could see the amusement glinting in her eyes . Ao a great ninja of The Mist as well as the target of all of my pranks from when I was a little kid looked at me in annoyance and he seemed ready to explode with a huge lecture about lady manners and respecting Mei-sensei , at any time now . Chojuro ,  one of the seven swordsmen of The Mist as well as a good friend of mine was trying to look at me with a scolding face but failing miserably his cheeks reddening in shyness at my vulgar vocabulary , like always . 

Mei-sensei sighted "Saya how many times I told you to knock at the door and watch your language ?" she asked raising a red eyebrow that matched her long , beautiful hair .

"I don't have enough fingers to count ." I said casually walking into the big office .

"Why you brat !" Ao exclaimed  a vein popping on his temple in annoyance .

Chojuro's eyes widened at the upcoming argument immediately jumping in before I could say any smartass comment . "I-I'm sure Saya didn't mean it t-that way Ao-san!" he stuttered out . "Oh , but I meant it ." I said boredly . A few more  veins popped out on Ao's temple but before he could say anything else he noticed  the two Leaf jounins behind me as well as Mei-sensei and Chojuro . They all narrowed their eyes at them in suspicion and wariness .

"What did you bring us here , Saya ?" asked Mei-sensei her eyes trained on the silver haired and the smoking  ninja .

I looked back at the two leaf ninja that came with me , reminding me of why I left -or better said was taken- from my village in the first place . I sighted in annoyance turning my head back and looking into Mei-sensei's forest green colored eyes . I took out the paper and the necklace that were in the letter and handed them to her . Se looked at me questioningly then at the paper , unfolding it and started reading . Both Ao and Chojuro walking to her side to read it too . A few seconds later their eyes widened , just as I predicted .

"This is-" 

"Yes." I interrupted her . She looked at me for a second then back at the troublesome sheet of white paper , furrowing her eyebrows . 

"How do we know that this is not a scam ?" she asked slowly "what if he sent it .." 

My body immediately tensed at the mention of him . I quickly regained my composure and threw all of the related thoughts somewhere deep deep inside my brain .  

"She could be right y'aknow" a calm laid back masculine voice said . I glanced for a mere second at the translucent figure that was at my left . I once again met Mei-sensei's eyes . Even though I only averted my gaze for less than anyone to notice she had a knowing look plastered on her face . I stayed unfazed shaking my head slightly in response to her silent question . Mei-sensei was one of the few persons who knew about this ... side effect you could say , to my kekei kengai . 

"Awh man ! I hate it when she  ignores us like that!" whined another masculine voice "Shut up Izuna !" the first voice snapped .

"The seal that was on the letter was known only by my mother and grandmother ." I stated blankly .

Mei-sensei sighted and sat back in her chair . "Well I guess it can't be helped . You're going , aren't you ?" she asked me . "yes" I answered simply . She closed her eyes and folded her hands in front of her face ." Very well " she closed her eyes for a second looking deep in thought before opening them once again . "Can you go and ask Atsio to give me the needed papers for a transfer ?" she asked me softly giving me a smile . I sighted in laziness , but didn't dare say anything as I knew how Mei-sensei's temper could go wild . I turned around and got out of the office , leaving the two Leaf nins alone with her .

Kakashi's POV. (lol just for a bit though)

After Saya left to bring the needed papers , the Mizukage looked at us intensely and then she smiled . She got up from her chair and walked towards us -me actually . "So you're Saya's father , huh ?" she asked nicely , smile still plastered on face . I gave her a closed eyed smile and nodded " Yes , Mizukage-sama." 

"hmmmm" she hummed softly "and how do you feel about having a  daughter ?" 

I was taken aback slightly by her question but quickly composed myself and gave her my famous closed eyed smile "It definitely was a surprise but I'll do my best to be the best father I can ." All the time she was still smiling while humming in agreement .

"Well , you better be ! After all she had no idea that she had any family left and had to go through so much shit alone it would be really bad if after all that she got a shitty ass father .. " I flinched at her words were as cold as ice , and even though she had a smile on her face her eyes were stabbing me with accusations .

She dropped her fake smile  when she got in front of me , replacing it with a glare and a matching scowl to go with it ." Listen pretty boy and you better listen well " her voice cold ice " I don't care who you are and what you did but if I hear about Saya getting hurt in any sort of way ..." she came even closer to me her breathe fanning over my face and cold glaring eye glaring into my own " I will search for you , I will find you ..." her eye narrowed dangerously at me and I could swear that the room we were in dropped a few degrees ."and I will kill you " she whispered darkly .

Just as fast as everything started it also ended . The Mizukage was smiling again and standing a few feet away and I started breathing again trying not to shiver from her dark tone . Just then Saya came back into the room holding a few papers in her hand . She blinked a few times looking curiously at us . "Did something happen while I was gone ?" she asked slowly . 

The Mizukage smiled kindly at her "Nothing at all !" she said cheerfully " I was just welcoming your guests " yeah , sure ..... so welcoming it made me wanna run as far away from here and never come back .

"A....ha" the small silver haired girl said , looking and sounding unconvinced .

The Mizukage took the papers from her hand and went back to sit behind the big wooden desk . "While I do these papers you go and get all your stuff sorted ! Oh and also this is yours " she said while extending her hand towards Saya and giving her the beautiful necklace from before . She quickly and swiftly clasped it around her neck . " See ya later then " she said turning around and motioning us to come after her . With one last warning glare from the Mizukage we exited the office .

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