6th+The Disturbance

Start from the beginning

"That was great!" exclaimed a random voice suddenly in front of them. They jumped away from each other and flushed a bright pink.

Danny, the photographer smiled widely as he held his camera in his hands. "You both looked so perfect, huh? Why'd you guys suddenly?" he asked naïvely. Sebastian and Alex both had blushed bright pink cheeks and were at least 30yards away from each other. "Oh yeah! Anyway-" He sat down his camera and picked up a folder filled with pictures. "Your pictures were great! I loved the look in your eyes as you took them. It looked as though you were here...but you weren't. I cant describe it but you looked like an angel, from you pale white skin to your bright blue hair that matched perfectly with blue shawl Seb-Seb brought you"

Seb-Seb? Who the fuck is Seb-Seb?

Sebastian moved over and pinched Danny's cheek with more force than necessary. "Oh hush munchkin, and what did I tell you about calling me that dreadful name during work hours!" he barked at a pouting Danny. Alex tilted his head and observed.

Sebastian noticed this and began to ruffle up Danny's hair making the smaller man whimper. "This brat right here is my step brother."

"Really? No Sh- i mean, wow really that's so cool." So close. Alex almost showed his true sarcastic, sassy self. If he showed himself then Sebastian may remember him. If he gets remembered then they'll know that he was a fake. He would lose his job, become homeless and die.

He didn't want to fucking die!

Alex skipped over and took the folders out of the younger man's fingertips. He opened the folder and gasped as he looked throughout the content. He looked...angelic, gorgeous even.

"This is me...?" he asked faltering his fake accent.

Sebastian and Danny nodded. "Welcome to the life of a Horizon model" replied Sebastian.

Alex jerked up his head and smiled. "Really? That's wonderful!" Sebastian smiled seeing Alex smile

Part one completed!


Liam paced back and forth in his office, glancing back at the door as he waited. Running a hand though his hair he mentally started to panic in distress. Where was Alex? Today was the day, so far 4 of the 5 models that cancelled before hand showed up with smiling faces and words of appreciation about how happy they were to be back.

Although it wasn't all of them, he called Mavis and he brought in a few of his model friends as well. Everything turned out great. Perfect actually! Don't get him wrong, he was so happy, soooo happy to get his models away from his enemy. But he guessed that since Alex brought them back, that maybe he would show up with them?

But he didn't. He didn't come at all.

Now Liam has been waiting, only for a few hours. Three to be exact, but it wasn't like he was counting or anything..

Maybe he should've listened when Cam came to his office. But he didn't he was to caught thinking of Alex to want to hear about him from another source. Stopping in his tracks he sat on his office desk. His black hair covered his distress eyes. He didn't understand why he was thinking about Alex like that. Okay, so maybe Alex did have a cute ass. And he was super adorable to tease. He also didn't break easily...and his moan's, sounded like music to his ears and only enlightened the fire deep inside him.

He needed to face facts. What exactly did he feel about Alex was it more than lust? It bothered him that Alex didn't show up. Liam sighed again before standing up .Its already getting late. He hoped that his secretary was okay, that's normal right? to be worried about your staff? His heart ached painfully was thinking about something happening to the sassy brown haired man. Smiling he tilted his head and started to think about all the smart-ass thing's, chuckling he thought about Alex again.

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