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So hello temmie or kenny here omg so like i wanted to thank so many people for reading what is it like 59? It may not seem like a lot but well get there one day to 1M right shout out to _Imababygirl_ and randomtrashyperson and shadow_catcher5  i love them all they supported me alot trough all of this and i wanted to say thanks for everyone who reads my fanfics. Luv u feel free to comment and say i suck or im awesome or if your having a bad day just take it out in the coments NOT ON OTHER PEOPLE TOUGH! So yeah warning by the way next chapter there will be some sexy ass music no sexy time just sexeh music. LOVE YOU ALL KEEP READING AND VOTE IF U LIKE! And enjoy the bts crack vid 😚😚😚😘😘😘😘😘

Im Sorry, Suga | ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin