Chapter 4

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   I stare at him blankly. Why would he say boyfriend? I just meet him, i mean im not complaining but.... The translator called out to me again. "In other news, theres 6 boys here to see you. We'll let them in shortly."
   I nod. Who could they be? I don't know 2 people let alone 6. The two of them leave and i attempt to wake up suga. I shook him, "F-five more minutes." I squeezed his hand and he woke up. "Whats wrong?!"
I giggle and he stares at me. "Are you okay?" I keep staring at our hands. Why was he holding my hand? why did he say he was my boyfriend? He let go of my hand and blushed. "Im sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
I felt safe when he was holding my hand. For once i felt cared for. I felt important. I reached out and interlocked my fingers with his. All of the sudden suga looks at the door.
I guessed somone was knocking. They opened the door and before me was 6 guys. Later to be my friends that i hold so dear to my heart. "Are you okay?" They worried even tough they didn't know the first thing about me.
They all start talking at the same time. I look left to right and suga noticed i was confused. Instead of telling them i was deaf, suga unlocked his phone to the notepad and hands it to me.
    Believe it or not even tough i had a broken ankle it was the best day of my life. Was it because of suga? Why was he treating a girl he just met like a princess? I looked down and let go of sugas hand to write.
   "Can you speak one at a time and slower please?" They all looked extremely confused. Suga pointed to his ear as if he was saying i was deaf. "Ohhhhh" "suga she is as cute as you said." "Stop worrying about that! The god damn girls ankle is broken!"
    "Aigooo.....sorry."  I giggled and all of them looked at each other. "Wow keep being stupid its cheering her up." I smile and the one with the boxed smile introduced me to everyone.
    "Aigoo... Ignore them yah! You can call us V, Jin, Jung kook, rap-monster or rapmon for short. Jimin and j hope. Did you get that hunny?" He called me hunny. Holy shit. "•hunny?•" they look at me again confused. "I think she said your ugly Taehyung." I smile and i see suga smiling with me.
     After awhile my mouth got dry. I picked up sugas phone. "Suga can you bring me some water, please?" He stood up and messed with my hair. "Okay". As soon as he left the boys vomited with question.
   "Suga loves her" "i ship it!" "Do you like suga?" Where do you want your wedding?" "Jin you thinking way to..... Late we need to plan their honeymoon" "And their future child's name. How about joon...."
    I threw my hand in the air and made them stop. Are they my friends now? Yes duh, im so happy. I couldn't help but to cry. "AIGOO SEE WHAT YOU DID JIN! YOU MADE HER CRY." I giggle and start to write. "Its not sad tears, im happy guys. Just to get things clear. Are we friends now?"
   They all said "Duh" in unison. I slap the idiot smile off my face and do the best i can to hug them. "Aigoo! You have a broken leg dont move!" I smile and suga opens the door.
Dat cliffhanger dou! Soooo umm idk what to say i guess see u in da next chaper? Luv yall- kenny-sama

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