Chapter 5 ~ It's Only Just The Beginning

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~~~~Roxy's POV~~~~
There's nothing left to do but stare, not staring in awe... but in shock, the girl that we grew up with is now dead in the burning ashes and ambers. Wait a minute... AMBERS!!!!
"Guys!! I don't think Amber's dead!!" I exclaimed, they just look at me with shocked looks.
"Roxy, we just seen Amber fall off the cliff and burn into burning ashes... and... ambers. YOU'RE RIGHT!!" Gracie yells rushing to look over to look over the edge but show throws herself back as a flash of red and orange swoops upward. Then slowly glides towards the ground... A PHOENIX!!!! Then it turns into Amber!
"Thought I would leave just like that? Oh and plus I couldn't save the map," she says.
"BUT AT LEAST YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!" I yell and give her a back breaking hug, then everyone else joined in.
"Well this sucks," I exclaim.
"Why?" Amber asks me as a frown crawls up to my face.
"Because I'm the only non-hybrid."
"But you'll soon be," Grace mutters.
"What?" Shawn asks.
"Nothing!! Let's keep going, we still have to pass through Trap Grounds. Then it's the final stretch to The Guardians." She replies quickly and starts walking as Amber shrugs and shifts Phoenix and flies above cleading us out of Ash vally, and to the entrance of Trap Grounds.
"Whelp! Who wants to go first?!" Eric asks while raising his voice with a bit of nervousness in his words.
"I-... I guess I will." I say with out thinking. As I take my first step on the grounds I pull my foot back just in time before a trap catches it. Then once again with out thinking I sprint into the grounds setting traps off as I go, just as a swinging trap is coming my way I quickly dodge the attack. Then I feel like I'm running 100 miles per hour and I'm on all fours... IM A HYBRID!! I look down and see I have a cheetah pattern all over, I'm a cheetah. I stop where I'm out of Trap Grounds and in Diamond Cave, but as I look behind me I see everyone with giant trap coming their way but not in their hybrid forms. So I sprint like no tomorrow and throw them into my back and take a sharp U turn and rush back to Diamond Cave, then I shift back human and see everyone so happy that they're alive.
"So, looks like two of us have found out we're hybrid in one day." I exclaim, and then everyone yawns.
"We should ... *yawn* get to sleep. We'll be safe in Diamond Cave." Shawn says while yawning. Amber shifts into her phoenix form and starts a little campfire for us the falls asleep in her phoenix form, along with everyone turning to their hybrid sides and falling asleep.
"Night everyone." We all say before falling asleep.
"Welcome to the club." Grace mumbles.

~~~~Shawn's POV~~~~
I slowly wake up and see that it's only Grace and Eric awake.
"Look who's finally awake." Eric jokes, Grace lets out a little giggle and I just chuckle.
"Well at least I wasn't forced to wake up unlike you." As I return a comeback, the Grace bursts out laughing,
"Ohhhhhhh, HE WASN'T READY!!!!" She yells causing Roxy and Amber to wake up.
"Seriously?! I was having the greatest dreeaam." Amber complains,
"Suck it up buttercup, rules don't apply to me." Grace replies trying her best not to have another burst of laughter.
"This is nice, just the five of us again. Just cracking jokes and forgetting about our parents and laws." Roxy sighs with a small smile.
"Yeah, but we might not ever be able to show our faces again to the kingdoms." Eric remarks with a frown.
"But-... But we have too!! If we don't our kingdoms will fall into ruins and the world will slowly crumble into dust." I say, then Grace stands up.
"Come on, we must hurry if we want to save the world and the kingdoms... Including mine." Grace says and starts running down the dark cave as a wolf, with Eric as a Arctic fox following, then Amber as her phoenix, Roxy as her cheetah, and then lastly me as my tiger. With Amber's red glowing sparks eliminating the cave's walls we slowly make our way down the cave.
'The Guardians should be just up ahead, but there should be three riddles that we have to solve. We can't make any mistakes or else we'll be killed by their magic.' Grace explains to everyone in our telepathic chat.
'So a single mistake could be the end of us?! I thought royalty could go in without a problem?!' Roxy questions with shock and worry.
'Well I guess our classes lied since it's not true, my great-great grandparents attempted it but they only returned with deep cuts and scars all over.' I explain
'So it's not just our classes lying to us... It's also our parents.' Eric says.
'That's correct, because they told us that Grace was the only person with a royal place to be a hybrid. But we two are hybrids, there also seems to be more that they aren't saying since I always feel a flame burning through my veins.' Amber exclaims as we reach a door with old ancient writing on it that only the Energy kingdom studied.
'As the clock strikes 12, at sunset the shadows will so take over and all will- That's all it says. What does it mean?' Grace reads.
'WAIT A MINUTE!! It wants us to finish the sentence, so "all will die?" Try that!' Amber says, then Grace turns human and draws it into the diamond dust that has collected on the walls, then tiny lights flashed on slowly leading up to the top then a ding ringed throughout the cave, then the door slowly started to move shaking the dust off and disappeared into the ground.
"Good job Amber, we're not dead yet so we're making good progress." Grace says and shifts back wolf and continues walking. Then we come up to the next door.
'But five young heroes will raise and will...'
'What about "will save us all".' Roxy suggests, then Grace does the same as the first door... The second door does the same as the first one... The third and finally door.
'Later on in their story they will begin to realize, that everything is just is just... The beginning?' Grace says the writes in the dust without us trying to suggest anything else, the door does what the first two doors do. Then as the door opens a bright light shines into our eyes making us close our eyes, under my fee- paws I feel everything that was rough turn flat, polished, and smooth. As we open our eyes we look around our surroundings and stare in awe, we turn around and see the four Guardians siting in their giant white chairs... They're a lot more... Giantier than I thought.
"Welcome young ones, we've been watching you along your very long journey. And we are very proud of you five for breaking a few rules just to save your friend and to come to us seeking the answers you long wish to be answered." Floraella the goddess of flowers says sounding very proud of us as she stands while her long light pick dress flows below her as she floats with her very long light purple hair flows freely.
"Yes, indeed. Now, what questions do you five seek to be answered?" Vinesim the god of life asks us as he stands with his green shinny armour shines even more with the white walls reflecting on it.
"The first one is, what secrets have our parents been hiding from us?"Eric questions The Guardians.
"Your parents have been hiding your elemental powers from you, young warriors." Crystalella, the goddess of gems and crystals answers as her light baby blue dress covered with white crystals and gems and her white hair with her light blue streaks flowing behind her.
"Why? Out of all of the people in the world, why are we the people that are hybrids and have elemental powers?" Roxy asks,
"Because you are the five young heroes that will fight against the Shadows and save the Land of Elements." Sharlight the God of light replies as he stands up with is white armour shining in the glare of the white walls.
"I have a question, what will we be fighting against?" I ask them, The Giardians all share a look of worry as if they should or shouldn't tell us.
"You will be fight against the Shadows lead by Darkling." Sharlight answers.
"Why are we fighting them?" Amber asks.
"You five are fighting them because they want the land all for themselves and turn every last person into their slaves, but killing all of the royal families first in front of every last of your subjects." Crystalella replies.
"Plus you five are the only ones who have the power of your elemental kingdoms and you five have proven your selves to your spirit animals and have gained their power to change into them using also their powers to aid you in the battle." Floraella finishes for Crystalella.
"May I ask one last question, why is there an empty chair beside you Sharlight?" Grace asks Sharlight as he looks to his right.
"That seat used to belong to Darkling. He is- was my brother in battle and family but he was soon driven insane and hated how he was always the forgotten Guardian and left the hall saying that he would return to take away everything that we know and love, meaning... The Land of Elements." He explains sighing at the end with a sad look.
"Where will we be staying to unlock our elemental powers?" Roxy asks the guardians.
"You five will be staying here for the next three years, and don't worry, we won't mention anything to your parents. But Grace, we will have to send a letter to your parents so they know that you are alive." Vinesim mentions.
~~~~Grace's POV~~~~
"Wait, you said that you could see us on our journey right?" I  ask them, they nod.
"Then couldn't you be able to see them and where they are?" Then a screen pops up in front of us and a screen of my parents at the lake that we would always go to for family camp nights, mom crying and dad trying comfort her.
"Please, send the letter to them, but keep the screen up please." They nod and they pull up a piece of paper and then it disappears, we then see it pop up on my mom's lap. They read it and they gasp.
"I- I'm still alive and fighting mom and dad, I'm still here..." I whisper as I rest my hand on the screen, as a single tear falls down my cheek.
"When? When do we start training?"

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