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~~~~Grace's POV~~~~
As I sit in my room drawing away in my sketch book I hear my mother call me.
"Grace dear! Can you come down hear for a minute please." My mother orders me instead of asking me to.
"Ok!" I yell back, as I set my book and pencils down and rush out to the throne room to where I see my father sitting in his throne and my mother sitting in the queens throne chair beside him.
"Grace, there is something that we haven't quite told you," My father starts as I start to get nervous if they found out that I ate all of the jelly doughnuts last week when they told me not to.
"You are... A hybrid. Meaning you are half wolf." He finished as I stood there with so many questions running through my mind.
"H-how... H-how long?... HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN?!" I yell at them with curiosity but yet rage, that they have never told me.
"TELL ME!!" I yell at them as they jump a little shocked that I yelled at them, then I feel a sharp pain near my lower spine, two different places in my head, and my ears. I fall down to my knees screaming in pain as the pain slowly but yet painful fades away. I feel my head and notice that my ears are gone, but I then feel something furry touch my fingers then realize that they're wolf ears!! Then I feel something furry touch my foot, I look and see a very light blond tail.
"Grace... It has been 10 years since we have known... We ar-"  My mother starts but I cut her off.
"No. I don't care, I guess my 'hybrid' presence isn't welcome here anymore since I now know." I say and rush out the doors to my room blocking my parents yells. I scrabble through my closet looking for my black backpack, I pack my sketch book, pencils and erasers, picture of my friends, some clothes, and my heart locket. I slowly open my door but close it again seeing the shadows of guards and my father and I hear the orders of my father to find me. As they leave the hall way I sneak out to go to the kitchen for some on-the-road snacks, I grab some cookies, some bread, meat, and some water bottles. I sneak back out to the hall way, I make it out to the court yard and see my exit... The Grand Gates. As I start to make a break for it I hear my father.
"GUARDS!! DON'T LET HER ESCAPE!!" The gate guards notice me and start to close the gates, I know I'm not gonna make it so I slide just in time, now... Time to go find The Guardians.

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