#14 Monsoons

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Aaron and Maithli has been shortlisted for the April 2016 Campaign. 

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The sun had long gone to rest, the moon had taken his place. Upon the forest floor lie trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. 

They were outside and Aaron looked at the indigenous people fiercely. They all crouched down, some retired to their own tents. "We had better leave this place before the actual Chief comes up." He said, never looking behind at Maithli. 

Maithli walked up to him, and stood behind him, her eyes comfortably past his shoulder, staring up at him. "It's really not the best idea. We are currently devoid of our powers. The forest can get worse on the way along. Let's wait a bit till the effect of the Weakening Potion douses out."

One little aborigine man quietly walked up till them, back half bent forward and stared up at them as if trying to catch what they were saying. He stared at their mouths. And made some sounds by clicking his tongue. 

He moved further close and Aaron watched him down carefully as he tucked Maithli neatly behind him. The little man looked up then down continuously like a puppy would when asking for some love.

Aaron barked in that moment, clearly irritated, "Move Off!" Maithli was caught off guard and she shook a bit. "You are the Chief now, Aaron. According to their traditions you defeated the Acting Chief and their Actual Chief is not here right now."

A few of the aborigine kids came forth offering platters of fruits, and water in coconut shells that were crafted with cave art. They laid everything on large banana leaves and moved away, back walking slowly after bowing down. 

It was hard to communicate with them, since they didn't seem to grab anything. Even Aaron's intense gaze would not budge them back into their respective tents. Aaron didn't look at the food and turn away. "We are not eating this. Come with me." Maithli looked at Aaron and at the food. She groaned and made a slight poker face; yet followed him.

The boulders outside had a bluish hue; Aaron touched one with his hand to help him lay against it, sitting down on the ground.  

Maithli tilted her head upward, feeling her hair tumble further down her back. Sweet-smelling rain-washed darkness, sky freckled with stars and some pale grey clouds along with the smudgy illumination of a bonfire. She sat away from him, pressing her back on the opposite boulder. "You should learn to trust people a little more. The oceans do not need the skies to exist, but they still trust the skies to give them their famous hues of blues."

The red, orange and yellow flame roared upward eating its way through the wooden pyramid at its base. Plumes of grey were buffeted into the night sky, carried aimlessly by a chill July wind. Their eyes transformed into orbs of light, each flickering orange flame playing a light show on their pupils.  

Aaron didn't answer back, he rested his head back and closed his eyes. A bleak, thin wind it was, like a fine sour wine, searching the marrow and bringing no bloom to the cheek. 

Maithli played with her fingers, they were suddenly very captivating. "I'm sorry for earlier on. I should not have- I should not have hugged you there without asking. It's not in my habits."

Aaron opened his eyes and frowned gravely; and then took a deep breath. He looked at her straight in her eyes such that she unwillingly had to hold the gaze too. "Are you really sorry about that?" He looked stern on his face, apologetically anxious on his brows and was low in his voice.

Inspired from the Mahabharata: Aaron and MaithliWhere stories live. Discover now